General Forum > Gay Homeland - General discussions

Initial program

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Hm, I was thinking about what kind of things we can actually do in the first years of our existence as organization... I made just a list of activities which spontaneousely came into my mind. Please regard them as some ideas for the further discussion, not as a program. 
In beginning the daily work will probably look like this:

1) Watch out for usefull contacts (people and other organizations); make a well-structured hyperlinlink collection.
2) Place contributions in various discussion groups with a decent link to our webpage;
3) Contact other webmasters and try to exchange links with them;
4) Make a dossier about the situation of GLBT people in various regions (e.g. East Europe, Africa, Mid East etc.) and make a list of especially homophobic countries;
5) Issue press-releases at special occasions like the recent murders on gay teenagers in Iran;
6) Write official letters to politicians and try to take influence;
7) Ask prominent people (decently) to contribute IDEAS (not money) for our movement - maybe some would like to join and would give us some push of public interest;
8 ) Ask businessmen for money (decently);
9) Look for another, already existing projects of gay nationalism/separatism. Do some gay colonies maybe already exist, without the world has noticed this? We should contact such groups and look what they are doing, and whether we can enbed them into our effort, maybe help in any way.
9) Issue a magazine or a newspaper. We for sure cannot compete with leading internet portals like in providing of fresh news, but we could point with reviews of general (long-term) interest, should we be able to win good autors.
10) Make a study among gay people in bars and on internet: what do they think about the idea of a gay homeland only for GLBT people? To perform such study on a high level, maybe we could interest some professor of sociology who could let a student make a diploma work over it.
11) Gain information about countries, wich could be considered as potential candidates for our land project. What are the immigration reglementation in these countries, the general political situation regarding our cause? Is it allowed for foreigners to buy (off-shore) property? What consequences have to be feared in case someone decides to negotiate about self-administration?

For sure, in the beginning we will just try to make the idea popular and icrease our financial and human stock. Interesting idea could be some sommer camp or "gay kibbutz" for younger gays and lesbians. I think in the US or Canada something like this would have good chances to become realized. Or we choose some greek island for this purpose :) If we could maintain some kind of permanent tent-camp for idealists, this would be already a great win. If people would come just for 2 or 3 monthes, this could give them an immense imprint on identity as folk. No need to declare the area independent from beginning, it would suffy to declare it the seat of "Gay National Committee" or whatever, be it even the "Gay Government".

This pertains to the Republic and the Commonwealth.....
I can't see any of us using force to take any territory.  Personally I'm a lover not a fighter.  But lovers have passion too!  My suggestion is to take the high road, settle a piece of land, improve it, be stubborn, hang on, and use world opinion and the precepts of Ghandi and King.
Of course a lot of it depends on how deep your pockets are.  If you have millions you could build a domed city on the Antarctic Palmer Penisula, or raise a reef to an island (watch out for irate Tongans) 8((
Or in the extreme exploit the "failed nation" status of places like Somalia, or islands off equatorial Africa. But there runs the chance of violence again. 
But since the Commonwealth and the Republic are friends....we'd let you anchor your yachts in the harbor we have planned on Cipperton :-*


Yep, thanks! ;D

Personally, item 4 c is not amongst my favorites, though of course we could become a subject of some unwanted aggression, that's true.

Here is my somewhat expanded take on Mogul's idea of what our next steps must/should be:

1.   Draft and publish our manifesto
2.   Organize regional bases and populate and popularize them
3.   Build up our finances
4.   Investigate all homeland models: 
                a.   Independence through real estate purchase
                b.   Independence through diplomatic negotiation
                c.   Independence through acts of secession/war
                d.   The "colonies concept"
                e.   Other concepts/ideas
5.   Homeland decision: Membership in all regions votes on which model it wishes to pursue and how best to achieve that goal
6.   Legal framework (constitution, laws, organizational statutes, plans, project outlines, etc.) are written, approved by membership and put in place
7.   Physical negotiations, purchases, diplomatic acts (depending on decision in Step 5) take place
8.   Homeland achieved!

Friends, I would suggest that we should start our practical work in the following queue:

1) Manifesto;
2) Regional base camps + popularization;
3) Building up the financial stock;
4) Checking out the "colonies concept";
5) Mainland decision;
6) "Take over".

In our forum discussions and private talks we have exchanged some ideas about the necessity of the "Gay Homeland" as such. We should summarize our motivations in a document which we can present to the public in order to explain our cause, also reviewing the pros and contras. This should be our manifesto, our initial program.

Thereafter we should start our popularization efforts and try to establish regional responsibilities, so that people in each country or language space can contact someone near them. These regional offices will have to build up contacts to mass media and existing GLBT organizations. If possible, they should create local networks to bring people together and care for those in need of help and protection. Some cultural efforts would be greate as well, e.g. participation on "national library" projects or strengthening "national identity". All the postal stamps stuff, souveniers and the like belongs to this category. A book or two on gay history and perspectives of the gay nationalism would be of tremendous value, too.

To actually be able to perform some activities, a solid financial fundament would be an absolute necessity. Money is required for maintaining the daily work, and even more money is required to physically bring someone out of an endangered area. As we will probably have to buy the areas which we desire to make our territory, years if not decades of fund-raising are before us. We should win attention of wealthy individuals for our project, but also try to interest the middle-class gay people in donation. Creating a growing financial stock and maybe establishing of own busines activities (dreams so far!!!) would be desireable. Ok, this sounds a bit weird and resembles some unhealthy religious organisations (Scientology, Aum Shinrikyo, Catholic Church), but it's just about organizatory structures - no need to involve any excess of ideology. Talks with well-disposed governments could result in cheap aquisition of land for our projects.

As we do not know in advance, what is the best place to establish a gay country, we should test out the concepts on various locations. Unless we get an unpopulated area with whole souvereignity granted from the first day, we will have to advance step-by step. Therefore we should build up more than one colony and try to achieve our goals at different conditions. For example, we could occupy Clipperton or Kerguelen and declare them "self-administrated", but should no one actually desire to live there, it would turn out as a dead end. On the other hand, a flourishing gay settlement on some Greec islet might turn out to have little chances to ever gain political independency. We just have to test some concepts and look how they are running. At the end, each of them can be a usefull part of a puzzle and be of certain worth as such. At least a kind of a "gay kibbutz", a long-term social training camp should be maintained on this stage.

Upon gathering experiences and checking out political and economical chances of each concept, we should be able to make a funded decision about where our mainland can be established.

Then we can concentrate our efforts to build up functioning infrastructure and look how we can bring the boys/girls home. Stubborn efforts to increase level of our self-determination will follow, creating facts and negotiating for a self-administration. May be a compromise could be found for our future country be member of some higher political and defence structures, yet allowing us preservation of our cultural identity as a folk.


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