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A Gay Republic?

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--- Quote ---1)  Even if every gay man & woman moved to a new Republic/Kingdom, what would happen to those that are born in Russia or America and must live there for 16-18 years before even the chance of moving?   How would this continue to scar homosexuals abroad, perhaps even to not admitting that they are Gay or Lesbian because there is no Older Generation to help them along (as there was when I came out).  And even if they did come out and move, how would this drain the economy of the Republic/Kingdom to continue to take in millions of immigrants each year?
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There but one activity that "every gay man & woman" shall do -- we shall, in due course, die. This is an over-simplification, of course, but it would be a grotesque error to imagine that ALL gays will ever do anything with unanimity. If a gay republic comes into existence, it will exert no more attraction upon individual gays than the gay ghettos of great cities currently do. The Castro exists and has for many years, so too does Boys' Town and Chelsea. A great many gays move there every year, and have for many years. Just as you suffered no great privation from the migrations to the ghettos that have been going on for at least two generations, the gay youths of the future will not lack for either company or guidance. As for drains upon economies, the 'millions' that you speak of are unlikely to materialize.

--- Quote ---2)  How would the Republic/Kingdom keep alive, providing that Gays & Lesbian relationship do not have children unless they are bisexual, adopt children, or have artificial insemination?  What would happen when these Children are str8?  Would reverse discrimination happen?  Would the Gay Republic/Kingdom set a good example to the rest of the world?
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Gay people come from the same place that str8 people do. No matter how many gays choose to move to San Fransisco, New York, Toronto, or some hypothetical gay republic, more gays will be born to str8 parents everywhere. While there is no agreement anywhere on why gay people exist, it is clear that they do, and their production is an ongoing process -- a process carried out in the customary manner by str8 people. The gay population in the Castro and surrounding areas has, unless I am very much mistaken, grown over the years, and is likely to do so. The gay community in San Fransisco concerns itself with many issues, but somehow running out of gay people is not among them.

As far as setting good examples -- good people should do what is right. Outside of those parameters, it is a waste of effort to deliberately set examples.

--- Quote ---3)  What message would the Gay Republic/Kingdom set to the rest of the World?  Would it be a message of Equality, Love, and Peace?  Would it be a message that those of us that do not move for any reason would feel like supporting or PERHAPS could the a Gay Republic/Kingdom (with no other name) send a bad message to the World and make Gay's look worse?
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I cannot agree that the founding of countries or the settling of communities sends any kind of "message." Nation-building is not an exercise in communication. Self-determination and the liberty that comes from it is its own reward. As an aside...if you will examine what the critics of gays actually believe, you will see that it is quite impossible to look "worse" in their eyes. I would have to out-do Stalin by at least 3 times to even live up to their expectations, and I have no intention of imitating people such as that.

--- Quote ---I enjoy reading this forum, and there are very many good ideas here, but I think alot of thinking and pondering is needed and I hope my questions help in that regard.  A Perfect World would be every Gay Child being welcomed in open arms, where children can decide there future rather than being forced a society lie or what they determine right or wrong so that societies leaders' can further control the people and benifit from it.
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For myself, I agree with you in large part. There is an entire universe of thinking and pondering to be done. The gay people exist in every country on the planet. Consider that for a moment. There is no language on Earth that is not spoken by gays. There are no gods that are not worshipped by gays. There is no political or economic philosophy anywhere that is not adhered to by gays. There is no question that we will misunderstand each other. There is no question that we will disagree with each other. This is not a reason to refuse to try.

I am glad you like the forum. I like your contributions to it. Discussion is a good thing, particularly when we disagree. If you feel strongly about some point, feel free to explain it to us. I, at least, have changed my mind somewhat on many things thanks to the views expressed by other posters on the board.


--- Quote from: fridet on Wed, Jun 14, 2006, 01:01 ---There is a reason there are heterosexuals, bisexuals, and homosexuals.  It is for variety.  Seclusion will not work.

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You are teaching me something I didn`t knew and hadn`t noticed: how happy is our present life in the company of non-gays (sic).



--- Quote from: K6 on Wed, Jun 14, 2006, 00:47 ---Your own scenario,insofar as I can assess it,leads just to another hethro majority within two or three generations.An hethro majority and political regime is something we already have,so I see no point in establishing another one of our own making.This would teach us nothing that we do not already know.I would prefer a complete secession from the heterosexuals for a change.


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I disagree.  First I do not have a problem with Heterosexual people, and the establishment of Fridet is not cornered on Gays but rather Freedom.   Second I do not see Fridet becoming a Majority Hetero Kingdom with 3 Generations due to continued immigration and support from the Gay Community.  Also births of Homosexuals and Bisexuals will be higher in our Kingdom due to the openness of our Kingdom, and lack of anyone in the closet since Hate Speech will be illegal.  Even in very liberal nations around the world, you still have religious groups that put down homosexuals under the guise of religion.

Your totalitarian views do no include the views of the Gay Community at large, and I see very little people moving from bad to worse just because they are homosexual.  Restricting freedoms will not help, but rather send a negative message to the rest of the world giving them ample ammunition to continue to harass gay people as "bad" people.

There is a reason there are heterosexuals, bisexuals, and homosexuals.  It is for variety.  Seclusion will not work.


--- Quote from: fridet on Wed, Jun 14, 2006, 00:33 ---Your ideas tend to be very totalitarian...

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Your own scenario,insofar as I can assess it,leads just to another hethro majority within two or three generations.An hethro majority and political regime is something we already have,so I see no point in establishing another one of our own making.This would teach us nothing that we do not already know.I would prefer a complete secession from the heterosexuals for a change.



--- Quote from: K6 on Wed, Jun 14, 2006, 00:12 ---Demographics of a gay independent State: (1) renewal of the population solely through gay immigration from heterosexual countries (2) no human reproduction of any kind,activity in that field nationalized and limited to research in the field of new reproductive technology as well as the origins of sexual orientation in humans.


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So you would in a sense force people not to have children, whereas there are millions of Gay & Lesbians that want children?  I don't call this a step forward but rather a step backward.  Life should be more about Freedoms not CONTROLING your citizens.  Besides this would be a democracy no?  So wouldn't the PEOPLE decide on this issue?  And why does my neighbor or president have the right to tell me if I can have children or not?

Your ideas tend to be very totalitarian...


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