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"Gay State" by Garrett Graham

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--- Quote ---Is it possible that we missed a monumental work being on the market?
--- End quote ---

It is, of course, possible. I do not, for example, know the name of the publisher. I have no clue as to the book's ISBN. Never mind knowing its price or where it might be purchased. I find that strange. I find it stranger that someone might seek to publicize such a work without mentioning any of these details. It's stranger still that there don't seem to be any older press releases floating about. I wouldn't think that this would be a very workable marketing strategy. But then, this is the very picture of how a three-year-old book can go through two printings without me being able to find a single detail about it. Sure. That would do it.

I'll look around a bit. I'm afraid I can hear the evening breeze rustling the cocos groves of Cato, though. It's a lovely sound... the evening breeze in the palm fronds. Sadly, it is not cooling, this evening breeze in the palms. Not one bit. More's the pity, the coconuts... they leave much to be desired. That's fine, though. I do not care for coconut. This book would, however, be just the thing to read while lounging in the shade of the cocos groves of Cato.

Today I was stunned to read a press-release announcing that a book with a title "The Gay State" by Garrett Graham is avaiting its third edition. The book is reported to be "an international best seller that began a world-wide movement". Is it possible that we missed a monumental work being on the market? Unfortunately, I was unable to find any references to the book on the Internet beyound the aforementioned press-release and the website of the author. Does any one have additional informations? 


Momentum for Global Gay Independence Movement Continues To Grow. Garrett Graham’s Best Seller, "The Gay State" To Be Re-Released.

"The Gay State: The Quest For An Independent Gay Nation-State And What It Means To Conservatives And The World's Religions" is an international best seller that began a world-wide movement. Negotiations to the political platform are underway to maintain the expressed support of Conservatives, the world's religious leaders and the global Gay leadership so that the Gay Solution to the Gay Question and what some have called the Gay Problem, can be resolved in a way that all parties win by securing a free, independent territory for the international Gay community.

New York, NY, USA (PRWEB) January 22, 2010 -- In 2009, the world witnessed the relentless and continuing assault of Gays around the globe. Murders, executions, imprisonment and beatings of members of the Gay, Lesbian and Transgender community increased internationally. The beheading of Gays even reached the US, which saw LGBT hate crimes spike by eleven percent in 2008-09.

As a result of the ongoing global persecution, author Garrett Graham is re-releasing his internationally acclaimed book “The Gay State: The Quest For An Independent Gay Nation-State And What It Means To Conservatives And The World’s Religions.” The book, originally written and released in 2007, was followed up with a second printing in 2008. After revisions and re-editing and inclusion of 100-plus pages of new data, a third printing of The Gay State is expected to be released by Spring, 2010. Demand continues to increase, according to Graham’s agent, Dottie Shapiro, with global distribution across five continents.
 The global Gay community wants nothing more than to live in freedom with equality & liberty. We seek only to prosper – or fail, according to our own merit, drive and talent. Instead, we are rooted out for extermination, beatings, shame & imprisonment. 

Graham, who lives in New York, lectures frequently and travels extensively as a Gay equality activist and has researched the question of creating an independent Gay nation. According to Graham, “Gays have lived under brutal oppression for thousands of years. And with the exception of a few liberal pockets of enlightenment, the onslaught of our people mercilessly continues.”

In a telephone interview from London, Graham said “We, as the Gay community are a people – one people, yet we are scattered about in every nation on Earth. Of those 195 nations, 80 of them have made our very existence an illegal act. Even in countries where we are legally allowed to exist, we are rooted out for extermination and subjected to routine violence.”

Graham insists the time for this historic experiment in Gay independence has come. “The global Gay community wants nothing more than to live in freedom with peace and liberty. We seek only to be left to prosper – or fail, according to our own merit, drive and talent.”

Political conservatives and religious leaders have had mixed reactions to the plan for an independent Gay territory, but substantial numbers support the Gay community in establishing their own Gay state. Graham’s response to the clergy was “It may be true that we are strange bedfellows. But conservatives, religious leaders and the Gay leadership all agree that our views are incompatible and by working harmoniously to separate peacefully is in everyone’s interest.”

Often referred to as “the father of the global Gay independence movement,” Graham will continue to give talks on the subject and a book tour will be scheduled in the coming months, according to his agent, Dottie Shapiro. Garrett Graham is available for interviews.

Garrett Graham



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