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--- Quote from: K6 on Sat, May 13, 2006, 07:15 ---They could go as far as being interested by and in you enough to try actually recruit you.And they would have the means to seduce you,including from the standpoint of your own sexual orientation.Islam has certain aspects,like the segregation of the sexes,the hostility to women and the rampant homosexuality,which could prove fatally attractive to a gay.Islam has,politically,grand and wordly designs,pursuided with great cleverness and oppotunism.In that context,it will naturally seek converts among citizens of western secular countries,the ones it thinks at the same time weak morally and unhappy with their own hethro societies. [..]
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As far as I can judge the issue, islamic scholarship and adherent political organizations are trying to recruit followers especially among immigrants in western countries. This group is a very attractive to them: being sufficiently wealthy to constitute potential donors, the immigrants often are rightfully discontent with their social situation, and look for alternative ways to find their place in the society. An outstanding example of this propagandistic effort is the portal, which is covering many issues of interests, presenting islam in a non-agressive, but a distinctive way.

Such efforts show, no doubt, devastating influence on undecisive gay moslem youth - they subtly are planting a seed of disdain against the young homosexual's inherent nature and offer him some "natural" and "dignified" alternative.


--- Quote from: Mogul on Sat, May 13, 2006, 03:38 ---It's a while now, that I have requested some explanations from Ayatollah Sistani's speak persons. The prolonged request and the short answer was:

They would be polite enough to answer your e-mail, while they would not hesitate to stone you. At least, out of some reasons they refused to explain their views on death penalty more explicitely.

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They could go as far as being interested by and in you enough to try actually recruit you.And they would have the means to seduce you,including
from the standpoint of your own sexual orientation.Islam has certain aspects,like the segregation of the sexes,the hostility to women and the rampant homosexuality,which could prove fatally attractive to a gay.Islam has,politically,grand and wordly designs,pursuided with great cleverness and oppotunism.In that context,it will naturally seek converts among citizens of western secular countries,the ones it thinks at the same time
weak morally and unhappy with their own hethro societies.Communism played the same game in its time,and found and used for its own purposes many simpleminded gays.I say this,because I am aware that a certain type of gay easily falls prey to such approaches as can be attempted by extremist hethro faiths,either religious or secular.Particularly religious ones.The availability of our human ressources is for our own cause of self-determination only.Not for any alternative cause,particularly idealistic ones,suggested by hethro societies.


It's a while now, that I have requested some explanations from Ayatollah Sistani's speak persons. The prolonged request and the short answer was:

They would be polite enough to answer your e-mail, while they would not hesitate to stone you. At least, out of some reasons they refused to explain their views on death penalty more explicitely.

P.S. The post was edited to re-set the path to the *.png file.


--- Quote from: Mogul on Fri, May 12, 2006, 04:58 ---
Well, we all know the bitter facts - both in Iran and in the rest of the world. Isn't it indeed disgusting to write and speak such words while at the same time not believing in the single one of them? This cinism is striking, but not really astounding - we all know that modern Mullahs are using all the achievements of modern civilisation, including rhethorics and dialictics. I can see their propaganda think tanks working day and night to invent strategies for their international performances.

--- End quote ---

I am not overly affected by such contradictory speech from the part of mullahs or priests.For the obvious simple reason that I regard such universal
ideals like the one they preach as ridiculous,not of this world.There is no world community,no universal interest.There are only competing national or tribal interests.The world will remain divided.There will never exist a world Empire like the one those mullahs or priests would want to rule.


A letter from a Hypocrite to a Hypocrite

I have read the recent Letter send by the president of Iran to the president of the USA. It contains many interesting passages, among them the following amazing statements:

"All prophets, speak of peace and tranquility for man -- based on monotheism, justice and respect for human dignity.

 Do you not think that if all of us come to believe in and abide by these principles, that is, monotheism, worship of God, justice, respect for the dignity of man, belief in the Last Day, we can overcome the present problems of the world -- that are the result of disobedience to the Almighty and the teachings of prophets – and improve our performance?
Do you not think that belief in these principles promotes and guarantees peace, friendship and justice?
Do you not think that the aforementioned written or unwritten principles are universally respected?
Will you not accept this invitation? That is, a genuine return to the teachings of prophets, to monotheism and justice, to preserve human dignity and obedience to the Almighty and His prophets? "

Well, we all know the bitter facts - both in Iran and in the rest of the world. Isn't it indeed disgusting to write and speak such words while at the same time not believing in the single one of them? This cinism is striking, but not really astounding - we all know that modern Mullahs are using all the achievements of modern civilisation, including rhethorics and dialictics. I can see their propaganda think tanks working day and night to invent strategies for their international performances.

P.S. The letter was sent, of course, by the president of Iran - sorry for the typo.


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