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Gay Emigration Survey - suggestions?

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--- Quote from: Mogul on Mon, Oct 03, 2005, 18:09 ---Folks, I think we should begin a long-term survey to record the mindset of gay and lesbian people towards gay emigration. We should clarify the following questions, for example:

- Do gay people feel as a "folk", if yes, what percentage of them do so?
- Would they welcome the existence of a territorial "gay state"?
- Would they actually wish to emigrate to such a country and under what conditions (generall wealth, health care, job opportunities, full/partial independence, weather)?
- If not, would they like to become citizens?
- What do they think such a state could do for them and in what way would they be ready to support this state?

It would be interesting to know, in what regions / social groups the "willing emmigrants" are located. There will be certainly people who are willing but not able to re-locate, and people, who have sofficient financial means but would rather restrict themeselves on investment but stay where they are.

Such a survey could be announced in mass media and be performed online. Unfortunately, on this way we could reach only the people in industrialized areas. Any ideas how to get the less fortunated involved?

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In the course of the 20th century people, researches set about to number our brothers and sisters in "free" nations. The Researches discovered that there was a strong compulsion to not commit to answering key questions surrounding the homosexual question, Not only the direct "Are you gay?" but even their feelings of "how do you feel about John being gay?" Where John is a fictitious person just for the sake of discussion.

Today the two most poplar numbers presented on how gay is the world is 10% and 1%. The truth is nobody knows for certain because a lot of us are not talking out of fear of persecution, harm, death, loss of job whatever.

There is still a strong reluctance to admit to being gay, or even participating in gay research, even in the most open of societies.

We will have to turn to other sources to define what expectation are to be had from a Gay Nation.

1. There will be immigration to the Nation. Just like there is immigration to New York City, Palm Springs and San Francisco. Gays do not move to these places because of job opportunities, the climate or politics, they move to these places to find community - the rest come after they move.

2. Economy, politics will play a tremendous roll in influencing established gay communities. Provide them state supported gay marriage in the Nation, you will get about 1/3 Tag on a first world economy, the luxuries of the first world plus the sheer notion that gays, not straights will be the majority you will have a greater influx.

3. Gays get tired of protecting themselves all the time. The "jaded Queen" is not Jaded because of the in community issues, but because after the millionth time of having someone scream at you "fagot" something breaks inside and you understand that no matter how perfect your life is you will still be loathed and considered less than everybody else. For those in places where death is the penalty for homosexuality, yeah they will want to go to the gay nation.

There will be those who choose to stay behind. It is natural, We are talking about people who have family, friends and a life where they are. Only the pioneers, the pilgrims who see no other choice but to strike out for the new world will go. 

Back in the days of the Pilgrims coming to the New World, many came, many more stayed and suffered the persecutions of their kind.

The first pilgrims to the Gay Nation will naturally be excited and fearful. Excited by the potential, fearful of the lash back. They will be the strongest, the ones who see a need to make a society where they are the majority, establishing a homeland where they are no longer persecuted, where their children will be free. For many the fear of change will force them to remain where they were.

The gay nation is going to have to extend equality to all cultures and peoples. The Gay community is made up of minorities - every race, religion, creed and culture we are found, we are going to have to accept those from our brothers and sisters. Ghettofication is a word I invented to describe the natural order of things. Like people attract like kinds, thus major cities have districts/ghettos which are defined by cultural/racial types.  it will happen in the Gay Nation as well, like peoples will segregate themselves, finding familiarity in like minded individuals.

All religions will have to reside next to each other, all races will have to live with one another. The beauty part of this is that inside of your society sub-societies and cultures will form, they will pick their own place, find their own level and will partially isolate themselves keeping those cultural aspects they hold near and dear thus promoting more influx of citizens who worry that being gay will cause them to give up their other identities.

Creating a "gay nation" for the sole purpose of providing a home for gays will by its very nature require a close inspection of human rights and freedoms and extending true equality beyond just sexual orientation.

Unfortunately cultural racial bigotry will carry forth. I know plenty of gays who use racial slurs and actually hate other gays due to such things as skin color. The job will be huge, it will demand creating a society which all bigotry is frowned upon - a society where Bigot is a four letter word, worse than nigger, worse than fag.


--- Quote from: Mogul on Mon, Oct 03, 2005, 18:09 ---- Do gay people feel as a "folk", if yes, what percentage of them do so?
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In liberal and tolerant countries,I think that gays consider themselves as a distinct group.They would not compromise with the lifestyle the hethro
majority,even if it brought them advantages.On another hand,gays identify also with subdivisions - ethnic,racial or other - of the hethro environment.
They also behave as if they were subjects and denizens of the hethro political body to remain so indefinitely,as they claim a place in hethro
societies.They take part in the political processes of those societies,instead of treating them as foreign entities and through the appropriate
political procedures.Gays have in terms of accomplishments no real national identity.They have only some steps preparatory to that.



I would answer present as a permanent resident and citizen of a gay independent State.Only that there is a slight mental reservation involved here: I would not have to migrate.I think that the place where I live now - the St.Lawrence valley in north America - would be the ideal one where to set up a gay independent State.It is thinly populated,and its demographic make up could thus be modified quickly.It is at the moment under the sovereignty of a rather weak State by the name of Canada.And its demographic make up is fluid,dynamic,modified continuously by immigration which forms the basis upon which the canadian State was historically founded.Immigration accounts for about half of the yearly human replacements of the canadian State.This is ominous,as our country,the gay Republic of the future,in which we will live in freedom at last,will be based exclusively upon immigration.Canada is tolerant to gays,because it is less dependent upon the reproductive activity of local hethro breeders.These are all factors of an objective geopolitical nature we must now contemplate,as we talk and dream of a country of ours.


Folks, I think we should begin a long-term survey to record the mindset of gay and lesbian people towards gay emigration. We should clarify the following questions, for example:

- Do gay people feel as a "folk", if yes, what percentage of them do so?
- Would they welcome the existence of a territorial "gay state"?
- Would they actually wish to emigrate to such a country and under what conditions (generall wealth, health care, job opportunities, full/partial independence, weather)?
- If not, would they like to become citizens?
- What do they think such a state could do for them and in what way would they be ready to support this state?

It would be interesting to know, in what regions / social groups the "willing emmigrants" are located. There will be certainly people who are willing but not able to re-locate, and people, who have sofficient financial means but would rather restrict themeselves on investment but stay where they are.

Such a survey could be announced in mass media and be performed online. Unfortunately, on this way we could reach only the people in industrialized areas. Any ideas how to get the less fortunated involved?


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