General Forum > Gay Culture

The next queer war?

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--- Quote from: Feral on Wed, May 17, 2006, 07:12 ---
And if gay people are to marry, let them do so for reasons of their own devising, not in imitation of st8 people.

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And above all,not recognizing or seeking heterosexuals as legitimate arbiters of eventual marital relations between gays.What happens between
gays is a matter only for a gay normative system and government.That normative system and government could or could not,depending upon
the circumstances and for reasons of public order,import some variant of the institution of marriage among the citizens of a gay country.If gays
living in a situation of geopolitical freedom get along without quarrels and informally,we do not need marriage.If quarrels and blood feuds erupt
over the preferencial relations of this or that individual,a gay State might have to encourage its citizens to register those preferencial relations,for
example in the form of monogamous or polygamous cliques,clans or tribes.It might also encourage such formal associations for reasons of social
solidarity,and as a replacement for the family unit which,one can expect,won`t exist in a gay culture and country.



--- Quote ---Marriage appeared in heterosexual societies for reasons which may not exist,at least to the same extent,among gays.

--- End quote ---


And if gay people are to marry, let them do so for reasons of their own devising, not in imitation of st8 people. Heterosexuals, in their arrogance and by dint of their abundance have conjured a great many notions that they find to be precious and inviolable. Their ideas are not, and have never been, of inherent merit to the gay people. Blindly copying the str8s in anything is foolish. Copying them in hope of some sort of recognition or acceptance from them borders upon stupidity. A definition of "insane" is "doing the same thing over and over again, each time expecting a different result."


--- Quote from: Feral on Tue, May 16, 2006, 21:39 ---If we are to marry, it should be because we wish to do so, and it should be gay institutions that administer these contracts and gay laws that govern them.

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Marriage appeared in heterosexual societies for reasons which may not exist,at least to the same extent,among gays.



--- Quote from: Feral on Tue, May 16, 2006, 21:39 ---
I see three possible paths for the gay people: Assimilationism, Integrationism, and Separatism. Clearly, as a gay nationalist, I favor the last option.

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That is also my opinion and position.We should seceed from those who breed.



--- Quote from: Feral on Tue, May 16, 2006, 21:39 ---Are these participants Canadians who happen to be gay, or Gays who happen to live in Canada?

--- End quote ---

I consider myself as gay first."Canadian" is only a word on a piece of paper called passport,which I carry when venturing beyond Canada.There is also,
within Canada,the Québécois identity.I would go as far as to state that I originated in that particular group,which by its French culture is closer to latin America than to English speaking Canada or to the United States.But I do not identify at all with the Québécois cultural group.My international identity is gay.The same with race: I do not identify with any race.Race and ethnicity of hethro origin can only sow disagreement and division among gays.Gays are one people,regardless of their birthplace,regardless of their ethnic or racial origin.Regardless of the fact that they have at the moment no country of their own.



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