General Forum > Gay Culture

Propaganda theme for a poster

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I hope your idea of "Gay armed forces" was tongue-in-cheek! :R



--- Quote from: Mogul on Thu, Apr 13, 2006, 02:17 ---The artist you have in mind is working under a pseudonym "Niklas Edlund" and his works can be seen here. A nice style of drawing, good suitable for the youngsters, I think. :)

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If the idea of gay self-determination must have any chance to outlive both of us as mere insignificant individuals,it must aim at our gay youth which is our only channel of communication and action into the future.Secondly and in relation with our gay youth,we must aim at the lower reptilian instincts present in every human being including gays,and patriotism is one such instinct.I know that it is very strong in the culture you were reared in,under the name of Rodina.Third,the youth is enthusiastic and romantic.So,our propaganda should mix thoroughly realpolitiks and real life with romantic and heroic scenes and scenarios of self-determination.



--- Quote from: Mogul on Thu, Apr 13, 2006, 02:17 ---The artist you have in mind is working under a pseudonym "Niklas Edlund" and his works can be seen here. A nice style of drawing, good suitable for the youngsters, I think. :)

I'll try to contact the author, though we must not forget that gay nationalism is still not a very popular idea. But who knows?

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I have information on him that he might not very enthusiastic about such an idea like gay self-determination.But what have we got to loose contacting him ? Do make a try and we shall see.


The artist you have in mind is working under a pseudonym "Niklas Edlund" and his works can be seen here. A nice style of drawing, good suitable for the youngsters, I think. :)

I'll try to contact the author, though we must not forget that gay nationalism is still not a very popular idea. But who knows?

Another gay comic author is Ralf König: his strips are more sarcastic than any other gay "fun stuff" - the stories are very popular here in Germany. My favorite is "Lysistrata". There must be translation into English available on the market.


--- Quote from: Mogul on Thu, Apr 13, 2006, 01:19 ---What about some plakate/collage dedicated to the (future) Gay Republic Armed Forces? I am thinking of a couple of SU-35 high in the blue sky, a destroyer on the sea and a tank on the holy soil. A troop of nice-looking lads in uniforms in the front part of the plakate, and a group of construction workers at work in the background.

Unfortunately, I lack any creative skills completely.  :-[ Some gifted painter reading this?

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Well,in Germany you have an artist who could translate into vivid images any scenario we could suggess him,should he agree with our political ideas.Which,I must tell you,I doubt.He specialized once,and probably still specializes in cartoons for gay youngsters.He had once a website,under the "Niklas and Friends" title.If he is still in the business,you,Mogul,could contact him.You know how a German thinks much better than I do.Therefore,*you* would be the ideal person to negociate with him,if he can still be reached somewhere on the internet.

I would have a cartoon to suggess him,on the theme of immigration which is basic to our demographics.From the time some gay living in some far away and exotic country,and in danger because of his gayness,leaves forever his native land.After many adventures,he reaches at last that country of ours and of our dreams.There,friends whom he knew previously and his country of origin,await him at the airport.



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