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Re: Counter Intelligencene against Mindcontrolling
« Reply #7 on: Thu, Aug 25, 2005, 14:05 »

I should really hang out in here more often... It's sort of sad to answer posts a month late...  :E

Currently, I have lost the remote to my TV, Barney the horrible purple dinosaur is prancing across the screen and I am about to be ill. Now, do I phone 911 or get out of the chair and change the TV manually?

Life here in the U.S. reminds me more and more of a scene in a silly movie years ago: A crowded upward-moving escalator lurches to a stop - obviously a breakdown. Immediately everyone pulls out cellphones and begins dialing 911 furiously and tells those passing by on the (still moving) downward side "call 911!" too.
Having recently escaped the bowels of East Germany, I remain

VIZIER, your exalted yet most humble WebMaster


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Re: Counter Intelligencene against Mindcontrolling
« Reply #6 on: Mon, Jul 25, 2005, 13:04 »

Doh!  " By the way, I LOVE to be write... "   :-[

Yeah, I love to be right too!   ::)  In my defense, it IS creeping up on 4:00 am.  Some booty calls are just too good to send packing too soon, ya' know??? 

By the way, I LOVE to write about being right for starting a riot at Rite-Aid alright?  Right-Ee-Oh then. 

-Solo, the self-righteous... and lover of cuisine from India (I put Raita on everything... Hehe... get it?  right-uh)
Solo, the one and only.

"I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart."-- Anne Frank (1929-45), German Jewish refugee, diarist, captured and sent to concentration camp.


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Re: Counter Intelligencene against Mindcontrolling
« Reply #5 on: Mon, Jul 25, 2005, 12:50 »

I can see that I'm going to like it here already.  *clears throat*  Unless one of you would care to have a "go" at me already and tell me how my mean, spiteful, hateful ways will contaminate all that is good in the world Universe.  *snicker* 
I look forward to respectful disagreements with you all, on topics that we will never find mutual concensus on.  However, I, more eagerly, look forward to agreeing on topics and really putting folks throw the wringer (when they fully deserve it).  By the way, I LOVE to be write...  so what's the real deal on William S. Freeman Esq.???  I threw him a bone on my posting ONLY because he is the one who register, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt (even though my gut told me he's on the crooked side.  Not that I have anything against crooked folks.  Some of my best friends are total dirtbags.  You can't help who you fall in love with - I already fell in love with Vicky  :-* several hours ago. ;) And that was just the most recent example of my helplessness when it comes to falling in love and NOTHING to do with Vicky being a dirtbag.  *phfshew* I'm sure glad I didn't just post this without reading it, as I'm HELLA tired - it being 3:40 am and all.  ???)
Alright...  I've got Australian Consuls to stalk in the afternoon, garage sales to prepare for (how do you get rid of close to three-decades of NECESSITIES?!!?!??!), roomies to deliver bad news to ("You don't have to move home... but you gotta' get the hell up outta' here, ya' hear?"), passport renewals (CHEESE!), information to transfer over to disc (may as well get a new 'puter, since everything else in my life has to go too) and get my braces TIGHTENED  :'(  . 

"And your woo-woo-woo... and your woo-woo-woo... and your woo-woo-woo, could be mine... all mine."
Solo, the one and only.

"I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart."-- Anne Frank (1929-45), German Jewish refugee, diarist, captured and sent to concentration camp.


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Re: Counter Intelligencene against Mindcontrolling
« Reply #4 on: Wed, Apr 27, 2005, 19:21 »

Guys, behave yourselves!  :-* I added a certain word, beginning with "a" to the "list of censored words", therefore in future this wonderfull machine here will modify some of the words we are using to a legally allowed form.  ;D ;D ;D This step was necessary, as we appreciate the freedom of speech to a very high level! I think that artificial intelligence will do this job very well.  :P

To the matter as such: yes, you are right by blaming some of the Gay Kingdom officials to tend to a mind control of its members. Despite I would not use the word "Nazi", as it has a very HEAVY specific historical definition and is certainly not applicable to members of the GLK Government or Assembly or whoever of this group. The correct word for the way, choosen now by the GLK's officials, in my eys is "TOTALITARISM". There is not much of diversity and freedom of conscience and speech left there anymore. The leading group does not suffy to have the MAJORITY in GLK's assembly now; no, they regard it as necessary to have EVERYONE there OF THE SAME OPINION. Having wrong friends and appreciate democratic values is regaded as a sufficient criterium to be urged to "explain" and squized out.

At the beginnig of the "Gay Kingdom of the Coral Sea" we were told that the participation of citizens would be highly appreciated and the monarchy was choosen "out of legal reasons". Later, when the money crossed the river, we were told that this was to be an ABSOLUTE MONARCHY were the "Emperor" and his advisors/employes decide what way the GLK will take. A distinct member of the Privy Council, Joe Grande, told us that if we do not accept it how THEY want it, we should "GET OUT OF THE WAY".

I left the group even before the February 2005 elections, some people stayed as they thought they can reform the Gay Kingdom from inside, being elected to the GLK's Assembly.  Now, 2 month past this election, 5 from 9 Assembly members have resigned out of protest against the outrageous way how they were handled by the GLK's self-appointed chieftains. From this 5 former GLK's lawmakers we have 2 in this group by now, and maybe some more will join us upon they have recovered from the experience made with the "old kingdom".

It makes me sad, that the project of creating a gay country is accompanied by hatered and hostilities, most of which even do not derive from homophobes. No, we alone, gay and lesbian people, create this tragicomedy based upon the stobborness and self-importance of few individuals who are abusing the good will of many and are unable to rely upon others. Yes, they would like to have our money, but dignify us as "mob".  I ask you guys: would you agree to be titled as plebeian?
Upon visiting school, finishing scool and maybe making a PhD (some of us), are we not as much worthy as a blown-up middle-rated lawer? Get away, satan!  ;D ;D ;D

"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!" Salvor Hardin


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Re: Counter Intelligencene against Mindcontrolling
« Reply #3 on: Wed, Apr 27, 2005, 19:04 »

sorry guys I didnt think when I posted this,my spelling of the explict words were wrong,  but they were correct in  the in describing the people I was talking about, and for that I will not apologize,  but I will next time, just use an "*" in place of the whole word instead of spelling the word out. I apologize if I offended the admins and anyone else here for writing out my words instead of using some other way of describing, so I am sorry for that. :-[


I support you in your move,  You should not be ashamed of bieng Gay,  You are a great guy, and I am Proud that you are gay,  You should put the blame where it belongs, on the a*[censored]*s of the gaykingdom, namely Bill, Jon and the rest of the people who would like to control what we do, what we think, what we believe in.  They are as bad as President Bush, the person they claim to fight against, they wish to take away our rights just like president Bush, and I dont care if they read this, in fact I wish that you would post this at the Gaykingdom on my behalf,  I no longer belong to that group for the same reasons that you have posted here, you know see why I resigned and why I left.  Gunnar this group here is where you belong so just stay here we love you and we care and we will never act like the Nazis or like President Bush or like King Bill, he is just an ass they all are there at Gaykingdom and they will never know what they have lost when they lost us and treated us like a*[censored]*s/  I love Ya Gunnar you are a great guy and a great friend.



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Re: Counter Intelligencene against Mindcontrolling
« Reply #2 on: Wed, Apr 27, 2005, 04:32 »


I support you in your move,  You should not be ashamed of bieng Gay,  You are a great guy, and I am Proud that you are gay,  You should put the blame where it belongs, on the assholes of the gaykingdom, namely Bill, Jon and the rest of the people who would like to control what we do, what we think, what we believe in.  They are as bad as President Bush, the person they claim to fight against, they wish to take away our rights just like president Bush, and I dont care if they read this, in fact I wish that you would post this at the Gaykingdom on my behalf,  I no longer belong to that group for the same reasons that you have posted here, you know see why I resigned and why I left.  Gunnar this group here is where you belong so just stay here we love you and we care and we will never act like the Nazis or like President Bush or like King Bill, he is just an ass they all are there at Gaykingdom and they will never know what they have lost when they lost us and treated us like assholes/  I love Ya Gunnar you are a great guy and a great friend.


This is a special post for some guys of the old gaykingdom group. It's in the meantime a proven fact, that they come here and try to find out about the "government" of the GLR. At the Moment, such a government does not exist. But it appears to be kinda hostile activity against the gay kingdom, to be an Administrator in here.
This needs some explaination. The group I'm referring to is a group claiming to consist out of the members of the United Gay Tribe. There are currently no laws, which would disallow to work for other Organisations as well. To me, being a born German, it looks like the Blockwart behavoir in the Nazi Era. In Germany this is over. If the "Gay Kingdom" wants to continue this, well... . I'm afraid I can't be proud any longer being gay.
I am deeply ashamed because I have supported the Idea of the Gay Kingdom before. So I will stop this support immediately. I don't want to have anything to do with people behaving and acting like Nazis. The "Gay" Kingdom should be deeply ashamed to use the word "gay" in it's Name. It doesn't forward the interests of LGBT people. It's simply a Role game (you can subscribe to it - special offer $50). Finally, and for the official records of the gay kingdom: I resign from my post as a member of the legislative Assembly.
Usually i stick to my word. But if I have to recognize later, that I have given my Word to Nazis, which are into all but gay rights, which are to control (!) what I do and what I think - NO, THANKS
I hope you all appreciate my point of view.


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Counter Intelligencene against Mindcontrolling
« Reply #1 on: Wed, Apr 27, 2005, 03:22 »

This is a special post for some guys of the old gaykingdom group. It's in the meantime a proven fact, that they come here and try to find out about the "government" of the GLR. At the Moment, such a government does not exist. But it appears to be kinda hostile activity against the gay kingdom, to be an Administrator in here.
This needs some explaination. The group I'm referring to is a group claiming to consist out of the members of the United Gay Tribe. There are currently no laws, which would disallow to work for other Organisations as well. To me, being a born German, it looks like the Blockwart behavoir in the Nazi Era. In Germany this is over. If the "Gay Kingdom" wants to continue this, well... . I'm afraid I can't be proud any longer being gay.
I am deeply ashamed because I have supported the Idea of the Gay Kingdom before. So I will stop this support immediately. I don't want to have anything to do with people behaving and acting like Nazis. The "Gay" Kingdom should be deeply ashamed to use the word "gay" in it's Name. It doesn't forward the interests of LGBT people. It's simply a Role game (you can subscribe to it - special offer $50). Finally, and for the official records of the gay kingdom: I resign from my post as a member of the legislative Assembly.
Usually i stick to my word. But if I have to recognize later, that I have given my Word to Nazis, which are into all but gay rights, which are to control (!) what I do and what I think - NO, THANKS
I hope you all appreciate my point of view.
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