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Author Topic: The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands  (Read 19362 times)

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The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
« Reply #9 on: Thu, Jan 19, 2006, 12:13 »

VictorI find your comment on the gay kingdom web page facinating, I have printed it out bellow, you of all people are one of the trouble makers, you have had legal threats made against you by HIM Dale and had to withdraw your marks, you have had legal threats made against you by members of this group, so why dont you practise what you preach!

The Gay Kingdom is going just fine in Australia and is moving forward in leaps and bounds they have a territory, a Sovereign and a government it clearly is not as you put it and I quote "A one man show of Mr Anderson" is there a hint of jelousy there? the Aussies seem to be doing something and just because you are not involved does not mean you have to make such negative comments towards this group.



you rise a topic which probably many wanted to stir but never dared.
The very idea of a queer nation is much older than is generally
believed, and there were always less or more active phases in the
development of this idea. There are many conceptions existing: from "I
hate straights" to "Gay Parallel Republic" and of course the one-man
show of Mr. Anderson. Search for "Queer nationalism" on Google and you
will certainly find some interesting articles.

Well, to answer your question - I must tell you, that most actors in
the gay nationalism movement seem somewhat uncertain about what to do
next now. You see, the idea is that much high-flown that most people
are very euphoric in the first days/weeks, but they let their support
drop when some real things have to be done - e.g. signing of official
documents for registration, paying membership dues or simply
participating in some tiresome debates. Whenever something real must
be done, we loose faith and hide in corners, waiting for somebody else
making the next step.

Most of us seem unable to overcome past differences and are trapped in
our ego-centrism. Even if history has proved that our opponents behold
right, we cannot make a step towards them and acknowledge our
misjudgment. It's not the "us against them" matter, fellows: it's
about the ability to accept differences of political views. If we
could find a way to communicate to eachother directly and not through
our lawyers, it would be a small, but important progress.

However, this movement is certainly not dead. Whereas I suppose that
the remains of Kingdom's government are also planning some re-
organization, it's not the only place in the world to discuss the gay
self-determination. You might find it interesting to peer into the
"Gay Homeland" discussion group as well:

There we are discussing some aspects of gay nationalism as such, now
independently from the republican/monarchist mindstate. The forum is
open to anybody intersted in the gay life and is not strictly bound to
only republican supporters.

I hope that this message will be not understood as an unfriendly
attempt to draw subscribers of this group into our own forum. It's
just a hand, stretched out to this group and all actively interested
in the discussion, inclusively the moderators/government.

We must recognize that all previous efforts obviously HAVE failed and
we are in need of a serious discussion before we start a next try.
What do we want to achieve at the long-term, what can we achieve
within the next few years? It obviously does NOT suffice to "declare
independency" and choose an island on the map to be regarded as our

Come back to Earth, buddies, leave the sulling corner and let's talk
about the enterprise like grown-ups.

Viktor Zimmermann


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Re: Film being made of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom
« Reply #8 on: Sun, Jan 15, 2006, 12:23 »

Award winning film maker Paul Peot [sic.] a filmmaker from Vienna, Austria, mostly known for sociopolitical feature documentaries has just started a feature doc intended for worldwide arthouse cinemas about the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea, the film will be titled

Feature Film Documentary by Award Winning Filmmaker Paul Poet, produced by Navigator Film in Coop with Germany and the EU Austria/Germany, HDTV, ca. 90 - 120 Min, planned filming 06/07, Release:07

To be more accurate, Herr Poet is filming a documentary about the micronation phenomenon in general, as he states here:

My newest film project for the cinema screens as award winning filmmaker is EMPIRE SABOTAGE – NEW WORLDS ARE HAPPENING, a feature cinema documentary movie concerning the micronation phenomenon, that will supposedly be filmed in the coming year of 2006 and released in 2007.

Who is to say whether the GLK shall be prominently featured, or treated as a freakish also-ran?
It's all about the thumpa thumpa.


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Re: Film being made of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom
« Reply #7 on: Sat, Jan 14, 2006, 04:29 »

Why do you delete our messages:( >:(we are 4 international backpackers working on Great Keppal Island a remote Island off the coast of Australia and the resorts internet cafe has only one computer, so get you facts right before making such silly comments.


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Re: Film being made of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom
« Reply #6 on: Sat, Jan 14, 2006, 04:24 »

I have deleted 2 abusive messages which were placed in this thread by "Sally" and "Jason" and will proceed alike with any other spam without further notification.
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!" Salvor Hardin


  • Lord Karnickel of the United Gay Emirates of Mediterrain and Coral Sea, Atlantic and Pacific
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Re: Film being made of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom
« Reply #5 on: Thu, Jan 12, 2006, 14:42 »

How interesting!  :L

But darling, why on Earth do you use four different names to post here???  Look, we are able to locate your IP and of course we do know where your computer is located, so there is actually absolutely no reason to disguise yourself. I mean, look at these data:

1. Sally: (18:44:44) Australia
2. Jason: (18:54:26) Australia
3. Dave: (19:24:00) Australia
4. Jason: (19:39:42) Australia

OK, obviously a serious case of multiple personalities moving the same 10 fingertips - nothing unusual at the web, but...

Yiep!  Get off my throat!  Zur Hilfe!!!


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Re: Film being made of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom
« Reply #4 on: Thu, Jan 12, 2006, 03:39 »

I love the aussie accent, just listening to an Australian talk gives me a hard on ;-) they sound so much sexier than Americans or the British, I heard HIM Dale R being interviewed on the radio recently as part of a pride week program on our local community station and he sounds hot and very straight. He is a wounderful ambassador for the kingdom. The new administrators and gay and lesbian government of the Coral Sea Islands have also launched there official web site for those who don't know.



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Re: Film being made of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom
« Reply #3 on: Thu, Jan 12, 2006, 03:24 »

I look forward to seeing it, and our SPUNKY Sovereign check out his photo on the site Dale R is HOT!!! and from all reports his first cousin the 19 year old gay crown prince is even more handsome, both could put there crowns under my bed any day


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Re: Film being made of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom
« Reply #2 on: Thu, Jan 12, 2006, 02:54 »

OH WOW !!!

How FANTASTIC ;-) Things seem on track in the GLK, should be a great Doco


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The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
« Reply #1 on: Thu, Jan 12, 2006, 02:44 »

Award winning film maker Paul Peot a filmmaker from Vienna, Austria, mostly known for sociopolitical feature documentaries has just started a feature doc intended for worldwide arthouse cinemas about the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea, the film will be titled

Feature Film Documentary by Award Winning Filmmaker Paul Poet, produced by Navigator Film in Coop with Germany and the EU Austria/Germany, HDTV, ca. 90 - 120 Min, planned filming 06/07, Release:07

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