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Re: Vicky's Youthful Digressions
« Reply #15 on: Tue, Feb 07, 2006, 00:11 »

No, unfortunately not. But maybe this site can help.


These are the exact same pictures which appear in my manual on the Soviet Army,except for the fact that I have the original charts with descriptions in Russian.Canadian army cadets also wear various uniforms,but not as pretty as the ones of the Suvarovchi.



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Re: Vicky's Youthful Digressions
« Reply #14 on: Mon, Feb 06, 2006, 23:33 »

Yes,most interesting ! But even prettier was the winter and parade (paradno-vikhodnaya) Suvarovtchikh uniform.Do you have a picture of it ?

No, unfortunately not. But maybe this site can help.

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Re: Vicky's Youthful Digressions
« Reply #13 on: Mon, Feb 06, 2006, 09:05 »

Then you might like these photographs:


Or these:

Yes,most interesting ! But even prettier was the winter and parade (paradno-vikhodnaya) Suvarovtchikh uniform.Do you have a picture of it ?
I have myself a good one in my library,in a manual about the Soviet Army.



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Re: Vicky's Youthful Digressions
« Reply #12 on: Mon, Feb 06, 2006, 02:06 »

Then you might like these photographs:


Or these:

« Last Edit: Mon, Feb 06, 2006, 02:08 by Mogul »
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Re: Vicky's Youthful Digressions
« Reply #11 on: Mon, Feb 06, 2006, 00:52 »

Yeah? I love military parades, though as an adult I lough about the amount of seriousness brought towards them by some people. I must also confess that lads wearing a marine or infantry uniforms are my weak point - you might laugh at me (or not).

My favourite Russian army uniform is the one of the Suvarovtchikhs (Russian army cadets).



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Re: Vicky's Youthful Digressions
« Reply #10 on: Mon, Feb 06, 2006, 00:49 »

Yeah? I love military parades, though as an adult I lough about the amount of seriousness brought towards them by some people. I must also confess that lads wearing a marine or infantry uniforms are my weak point - you might laugh at me (or not).

I served in the canadian army reserve when I was 19-20.I thoroughly enjoyed the experience,though I don`t think I would do it again.My main experience was with infantry (as a 2nd class private) and in winter warfare,preferably under temperatures of 20-25 below zero Fahrenheit.The reason I liked that experience is that I am a great fan of military (and also diplomatic) history.This was entirely done on a voluntary basis,as there is no compulsory military service in Canada.I just wanted to complete in a practical way my knowledges acquired while reading books of military history.



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Re: Vicky's Youthful Digressions
« Reply #9 on: Sun, Feb 05, 2006, 19:30 »

But a small palace guard in neat uniforms isn't really a waste of public money, is it?

Of course not--neither would a large one be. That I personally dislike parades simply means I avoid attending them. I would never be so foolish as to suggest that they were dispensible. On the contrary; they are quite important.
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Re: Vicky's Youthful Digressions
« Reply #8 on: Sun, Feb 05, 2006, 19:03 »

Oddly, these exercises left me with a distinct distaste for parades of all kinds, but especially the "amateur" events of civilians.

Yeah? I love military parades, though as an adult I lough about the amount of seriousness brought towards them by some people. I must also confess that lads wearing a marine or infantry uniforms are my weak point - you might laugh at me (or not). A parade can only be a greate success, when participants enjoy the happening and flirt with spectators in some way or other. When I was very young, we had to wear uniforms at school, in the scout camps and on parades (yes, there were few). Out of my foolishness I was even a platoon leader at several ocassions, but was replaced soon by a guy with more regular pace.  >:)

We also had some military lessons at older age - from 15 upwards, if memory serves. This was wicked - the military teacher was an old moron from the "old school" and he didn't understand fun at all. At every lesson he insisted to make first a control of our handkerchiefs (to be white and ironed), and of our finger-nails (them in  no way to be farnished, dirty or too long). This took up to 15 minutes, as everybody caught on lacking smugnes was basted and forced to explain his misdeeds - a problem for girls with colored long nails or for boys who just have had a little fight in the mud on the school court. Luckily, I always had a handkerchief with me and didn't come on the idea to furnish my nails red. The remains of the lesson we were mostly listening some adventurous stories from the war in Afghanistan, China border-rippings or the WWII battles.

That's why, despite of my addiction to uniforms and their wearers, I dislike the idea of the wrongly understood military discipline. If the Gay State shall happen to be established within our live spans, the army should be professional and based on skills, not on despotry and drill.

But a small palace guard in neat uniforms isn't really a waste of public money, is it?
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Re: Vicky's Youthful Digressions
« Reply #7 on: Sun, Feb 05, 2006, 18:17 »

I suppose, our US-American friends are familiar with these feelings of patriotism and believing into superiority of one's own country: all the military parades, propaganda on TV and schools.

I have always found the military parades put on by the civilian authorities to be somewhat pale. While the armed forces contribute freely to these displays, they naturally do not divert anywhere near the resources that are available to them. This was not the case with the little celebrations held on the military bases themselves (for the benefit of the soldiers and their families). Independence Day takes on a whole new face when the fireworks displays are fueled by the rivalries between artillery units and the infantry's mortars--not to mention battalion after battalion of marching troops.

Oddly, these exercises left me with a distinct distaste for parades of all kinds, but especially the "amateur" events of civilians.
Stonewall was a riot.


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Re: Vicky's Youthful Digressions
« Reply #6 on: Sun, Feb 05, 2006, 15:01 »

I am afraid that sensible human beings are mostly driven by practical motivations and not by some ideologies. This is not necessary a bad thing, on contrary: this "common sense" prevents most people from doing foolish or barbarous acts. But even if not the primary motivation for daily life deeds, the national identity is important part of our selves. The "national feelings" are usually stirred when somebody offends them, whereas in good times they lay dormant and cause neither harm nor good.

The Polish nationalism was certainly a great help for Polish people through hard times, but as any nationalism (incl. gay nationalism) it takes by times ridiculous forms. I remember very well that not a small number of Polish patriots actively fought the process of joining the EU, despite of obvious advantages for Poland.

If I think back into my early youth, I have mixed feelings: there was namely not only "communist propaganda and oppression", but also a certain community spirit and lots of enthusiasm. I suppose, our US-American friends are familiar with these feelings of patriotism and believing into superiority of one's own country: all the military parades, propaganda on TV and schools.
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Re: Gay Republic Postal Service
« Reply #5 on: Fri, Feb 03, 2006, 04:23 »

Well, most communists I have encountered were simply opportunists - they could be as well brave Catholics or ferwent Nazis. There are certain basic structures which all these ideologies have in common - they enable an indoctrination of very young individuals with wrongful ideas, but connect them emotionally to positive ideals. Most of so abused souls never question the slogans and "truthes" wich they were fed with - they are even not able to understand that they were brain-washed.

Marxism was at the peak of its influence among the political left and in my part of the world when I became an adult.But I had read "The Prince" from Machiavelli before encountering marxism,and was thus wholly immunized against its aims and ideals.They were simply too good to be true.
Another experience which consolidated my immunization was my trip to Poland when I was 23.Poland was then a satellite of soviet Russia.But its population was completely closed to the influence of communism,and remainded stubbornly independent and patriotic.Which is what,you see,it
became my historical role model.Generally,and based upon my experience,travels and readingsI tend to regard national interest as the real motive behind human acts,and universal ideals as illusions for those fool enough to believe in them.



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Re: Gay Republic Postal Service
« Reply #4 on: Fri, Feb 03, 2006, 00:51 »

Yes, the ways of the Lord are unsearchable. From a young pioneer to a world-weary gay separatist - what a career!  ;U

Well, most communists I have encountered were simply opportunists - they could be as well brave Catholics or ferwent Nazis. There are certain basic structures which all these ideologies have in common - they enable an indoctrination of very young individuals with wrongful ideas, but connect them emotionally to positive ideals. Most of so abused souls never question the slogans and "truthes" wich they were fed with - they are even not able to understand that they were brain-washed.

If I remember well, it was similarly described in the "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley - this was very much like it. Of course, in private lives people were acting normally, but in political meetings they resembled robotic beings.

Any ideology which has some ideal expectations for the future citizens is doomed to fail. As late as these "socal engineers" discover that their societal models do not function properly because of "wrong human material", they seldomly are inclined to re-view their theories. Instead, they are usually tempted to adjust their experimental basis a little bit closer to the ideal conditions - to say it clear, they begin to eliminate every deviant human material.

Idealists are therefore always in danger to act contrary to what they intended in beginning, if they neglect the human nature and lose orientation of values. We should be always aware of the importand things we stand for, and not let us be blinded by temporary tactical necessities.
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Re: Gay Republic Postal Service
« Reply #3 on: Fri, Feb 03, 2006, 00:09 »

No, I was a citizen of the "Empire of the Evil" itself! =)) Therefore I have made my first-hand experiences with communists and have very peculiar views on "social engineering".

How strange that we could have both ended up as gay separatists.We come from two completely different types of societies.The history of Russia - like general De Gaulle I regard the Soviet Union as a fiction and pretext to Russian national ambitions - the history of Russia then started to interest me when I was 14.I was particularly interested (and still am) in the era of tsar Peter the Great.I learned Russian on evening courses in 1979.But my preference for peoples of Eastern Europe,and in terms of historical experience,finally settled with the Poles.Communism as a doctrine never really interested me.But its methods of political organization and propaganda did.Communists whom I encountered in corresponding countries struck me as radical nationalists or isolationists rather than communists.Marxism was only a pretext to cover up egoistical national ambitions or designs.



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Re: Gay Republic Postal Service
« Reply #2 on: Thu, Feb 02, 2006, 23:40 »

My impression of you is that you are a former citizen of the late Deutsche Demokratik Republik (DDR).Such was my impression the moment you posted here a message in Russian,which I found most interesting.

No, I was a citizen of the "Empire of the Evil" itself! =)) Therefore I have made my first-hand experiences with communists and have very peculiar views on "social engineering".

Here you see me with 10 years (I was a well-nurtured kid).

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Re: Vicky's Youthful Digressions
« Reply #1 on: Wed, Feb 01, 2006, 23:52 »

Indeed, this would be a good piece of propaganda. Alternatively: "Seduction of the innocent youth". =)) Generally, the monumental art of the Soviet Aera had as well certain positive traits, we should learn from them in this respect. I remember that as a child I had a set of some 20 postcards with portraits and short biographies of youthfull heroes and was very fond of them.

Being of French culture,I was acquainted with Joubert`s drawings when I was young.A search under the French serie of novels of adventure for the youth titled "Signe de Piste" could yield yet more interesting drawings.To my knowledge,these novels have been translated into German.

I must admit that when it comes to propaganda or political science,I accept any good teacher.Unfortunately,the soviets and the nazis were very good at propaganda.Certainly better than nowadays neo-liberals who cannot rival with them in my eyes.

My impression of you is that you are a former citizen of the late Deutsche Demokratik Republik (DDR).Such was my impression the moment you posted here a message in Russian,which I found most interesting.

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