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  • Viktor Zimmermann
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3rd Conference of the Executive Committee - Protocol
« Reply #1 on: Wed, Mar 22, 2006, 10:17 »

Gay Homeland Foundation
3rd online Conference of the Executive Committee
March 19, 2006


The conference took place (as was announced on March 7, 2006 in forum and via e-mail) on March 19, 2006 at 16:00 UTC, and lasted till approximately 18:30 UTC. The conference was attended by 2 Executive Committee members: Ron Bila (president) and Viktor Zimmermann (treasurer).

During the conference Mr. Zimmermann suggested the use of PayPal system ( for financial transactions before the bank account can be established, and shortly reported on fees raised by PayPal for maintenance of the "Business" account. Further the image of and the technical features of the system were briefly discussed, especially the possibility to establish multi-user access for members of the Executive Committee for controlling purposes.

Then Mr. Zimmermann reported on the expected expenditures for the year 2006, them being:

-- 24 EUR yearly costs for the and domains;
-- 50 to 70 EUR for printing of flyers for distribution at Pride (CSD) events in Germany and USA;
-- costs for maintenance of the bank account, so far undetermined.

Mr. Zimmermann also reported that in the year 2005 no official expenditures were made, nor any membership dues were received. He asked advice for how to proceed with the outstanding membership fees for the year 2005, whereupon Mr. Bila suggested to drop the compulsory fees for 2005 and leave it to members to contribute any sum of their choice. Mr. Zimmermann agreed to this notion.

The Committee then discussed the issuing of stamps depicting pioneers of gay rights movement and gay-related art motifs. In particular the issuing of stamps to honor Karl Heinrich Ulrichs and Harvey Milk, as well as stamps depicting a Ganymedes motif were suggested and agreed upon. Mr. Bila asked whether the issuing of stamps were in compliance with German law, and Mr. Zimmermann assured that the procedure was entirely legal when taking care that: 1) no  name of any existing postal service is used, 2) no alien copyrighted material is used, 3) no real postal service is offered without a license. The stamps being issued solely for aesthetic purposes were therefore legal even if including a currency sign on them.

Mr. Bila shortly reviewed the suggested designs of stamps depicting K.H. Ulrichs and H. B. Milk and recommended the use of "Gay Homeland Foundation" rather than "Gay & Lesbian Republic" on the stamps, the "Republic" being so far non-existent. Mr. Zimmermann agreed and suggested the stamps being issued in blocks á 10 stamps valued 2.50 EUR per block. Then the issue of financing the stamp printing was discussed, whereby Mr. Bila and Mr. Zimmermann agreed that because of the constrained financial situation the stamp printing should be funded by donations specially for this purpose.

Mr. Bila suggested then to adopt the Eagle-Ganymedes artwork as official logo for Gay Homeland Foundation, as there were no other graphical suggestions submitted for the same purpose yet, notifying that a better logo always can be adopted in case of necessity.
Mr. Zimmermann suggested to start the press campaign as soon as possible, and stressed the importance of having an own news portal. During the discussion it was agreed that the website should be re-worked towards this notion, starting with a built-in feed from the, as offered by this news company free of charge. Mr. Zimmermann proposed also to integrate some links to news portals with other languages as English. Mr. Bila noted that a logo and a link to the official website of the Gay Homeland Foundation must be integrated into design; as well as PayPal-buttons for donations of funds.

Before closing the conference, the Committee shortly discussed the issue of recruiting new members.

Summarizing the results of the discussions, the Executive Committee therefore decided:

1) A PayPal-account shall be established and used for collecting of membership fees and smaller donations, as prescribed by § 5 (3) of the Financial Rules of Procedure (adopted on September 29, 2006, in following: "FRP"). This account shall be used for general financial transactions until a proper bank account is established. The PayPal account shall be set up using the multiple user option to allow the Executive Committee members and the Controller (§ 14 (1) FRP) the insight into records and ensure the proper use of financial assets.

2) Taking into account that no membership dues for the year 2005 were collected, and neither expenditures were officially made, the books for the business year 2005 shall be closed with no operations recorded. The organization being not yet chartered, the application of provisions in § 8 Statutes and § 3 FRP shall be suspended for the year 2005, and the membership fees for the year 2005 shall not be collected. The cash audit in compliance with § 14 FRP renders unnecessary by entire lack of financial activities in the year 2005.

3) The preliminary budget (§ 7 FRP) for the year 2006 includes regular expenditures of 24 EUR for domain hosting, up to 70 EUR for flyers and costs for the bank account as necessary (5 to 8 EUR per month). The income by compulsory minimum fees is expected to be 84 EUR, therefore a gap of approximately 50-70 EUR remains to be closed. Members are encouraged to donate an appropriate sum, e.g. by adding an equivalent of the dropped fees for the year 2005.

4) The artwork depicting the Eagle carrying the Ganymedes to heaven (Ganymedes wearing a rainbow-colored band) shall become the official logo of Gay Homeland Foundation. The logo shall symbolize the intention of our organization to elevate any homosexual in need to a better life in a safe environment. The logo is based on the original artwork by Frank Kirchbach (1892). 

5) Stamps intended to honor pioneers of gay rights movement, as well as stamps with gay-related art motifs shall be issued. In particular, stamps depicting Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, Harvey Bernard Milk and the logo of Gay Homeland Foundation shall be printed at first. The printing of the stamps shall be funded solely by financial means donated for this purpose.

6) The website shall be re-worked in order to provide users with gay-related information and promote the idea of gay homeland. The website shall contain a logo of and a link to the Gay Homeland Foundation website ( The yet to be established news portal at shall take the international orientation of the movement into account and provide the users also with news in additional languages.

7) The Paypal technology of built-in "Donation" buttons shall be applied to collect additional funds for the organization.

19. March 2006                               Ron Bila                                Viktor Zimmermann

ATTACHEMENT: Adopted official Logo of Gay Homeland Foundation.


"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!" Salvor Hardin
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