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Re: Propaganda theme for a poster
« Reply #17 on: Sat, Jul 28, 2007, 00:59 »

Hmm, my comic Agent Smoke is gonna be full of adverts for various things, i ought to slip some propaganda in there too. Things like a load of religious symbols and the slogan "BEWARE THE DEVIANT: Report use of these symbols to the security forces IMMEDIATLEY!"

I hope your idea of "Gay armed forces" was tongue-in-cheek!
"Arm all V3 Rocket Bombs, target: the Confederate States of America! Fire bombs at 5 minute intervals following the lead of HNS Wildeblood. Give the scum 20 minutes to think it's over and inspect the damage them give them the second salvo 200m shy of the first impact sites. VICTORY IS ASSURED!"
-A captain of a gay homeland ship in 2064
"Are the Zeppelins and troopships ready to invade the confederacy?"
"No? but the bombardment has commenced!"
"So don't we want to follow it up with invasion?"
"Invade what? why do we want to rule over those hillbillies and KKK members? fuck 'em, we'll just blow thier cities to ash and leave the survivors to starve and suffocate in the rubble"
-Heard outside the Chancellor's office 10 minutes later
« Last Edit: Sat, Jul 28, 2007, 01:03 by felneymike »


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Re: Propaganda theme for a poster
« Reply #16 on: Mon, Jun 05, 2006, 14:53 »

Stefan R. Landsberger offers an extensive collection of chinese propaganda posters from various epoches.

Some posters remind me of the usual totalitarist motives (military, party & state lieaders, industrialization), some are just typically chinese kitsch (a beatifull one, though).

Here some examples:

The US propaganda posters belong to the interesting objects as well, here we have some:

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Re: Propaganda theme for a poster
« Reply #15 on: Sun, Jun 04, 2006, 17:12 »

For you propaganda poster lovers, here is a wonderful website about Sovjet propaganda art.

I am fascinated with propaganda art from totalitarian countries,with the reservations and skepticism inspired by the fact that I am the product of a democratic society well informed about world affairs in general and the designs of totalitarism in particular.Totalitarism has its flaws,some of them major.But at least,it understand and masters well nationalism as an instrument to set large populations into motion,political action and sacrifice.You do a research with the Google engine under the "Images" item and typing "Enfants de Budapest".There you will get a propaganda picture of what could be the one of a gay independence fighter.



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Re: Propaganda theme for a poster
« Reply #14 on: Sun, Jun 04, 2006, 16:36 »

For you propaganda poster lovers, here is a wonderful website about Sovjet propaganda art.
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Re: Propaganda theme for a poster
« Reply #13 on: Thu, May 11, 2006, 07:16 »

Niklas has responded to my request in a nice e-mail - unfortunately, he can not help us with some pictures currently.
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Re: Propaganda theme for a poster
« Reply #12 on: Sat, Apr 22, 2006, 14:17 »

I have sent Niklas a careful request for some propaganda drawings for us, if he shall occasionally have something suitable. I hope he will find our ideas interesting enough to be supportive in some way - you know that gay separatism is not a very popular idea (so far). However, it would be extremely fine if Niklas would have some expressive motives for us.

That artist is,as far as I know,capable of producing excellent propaganda posters should he agree with our ideas and themes.He is very perceptive
and able to invent and suggess themes of his own which could interest us.

Separatism is like a campfire.It may be somewhat difficult and lengtly to light up among gays,as should be among any human community which has not yet developped a national identity.Once light up,however,we could face a different problem,the one of controling and channeling into rational courses of actions the eventually passionnate reactions of gay individuals.Separatism could become to gays what cat nip is to cats.

I am familiar with nationalism in its intense forms,for having observed and studied it among certain heterosexual communities and be contaminated myself by it.Gays are not immune to the phenomenon,and could equal or even outdo the models provided to them by heterosexual societies.



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Re: Propaganda theme for a poster
« Reply #11 on: Sat, Apr 22, 2006, 06:17 »

Have you contacted yet that Niklas Edlund ? The gay micronation I am representing in alt.politics.micronations is putting a considerable amound of pressure upon me to find some gay artist who could translate into vivid images a suitable propaganda orientated towards the idea of gay self-determination and aiming at the gay youth.

I have sent Niklas a careful request for some propaganda drawings for us, if he shall occasionally have something suitable. I hope he will find our ideas interesting enough to be supportive in some way - you know that gay separatism is not a very popular idea (so far). However, it would be extremely fine if Niclas would have some expressive motives for us.
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Re: Propaganda theme for a poster
« Reply #10 on: Sat, Apr 22, 2006, 00:55 »

The artist you have in mind is working under a pseudonym "Niklas Edlund" and his works can be seen here. A nice style of drawing, good suitable for the youngsters, I think. :)

I'll try to contact the author, though we must not forget that gay nationalism is still not a very popular idea. But who knows?

Have you contacted yet that Niklas Edlund ? The gay micronation I am representing in alt.politics.micronations is putting a considerable amound of pressure upon me to find some gay artist who could translate into vivid images a suitable propaganda orientated towards the idea of gay self-determination and aiming at the gay youth.



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Re: Propaganda theme for a poster
« Reply #9 on: Thu, Apr 13, 2006, 23:44 »

The role of the military in the function of the state is a controversial topic -- there are many arguments to be made in favor of eschewing such practices. It is a worthy debate for the Politics Forum, should anyone wish to discuss it.

I have studied diplomatic and military history for the last 35 years.The armed conflict I know best is WWII,especially the part that has to do with the operations on the Russian front.My favourite series of battles is the one of Operation Bagration (Byelorussia,june to august 1944).I am always interested in a discussion about geopolitics.Even better if we can make the connection with a future gay State,its alliances and diplomacy.



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Re: Propaganda theme for a poster
« Reply #8 on: Thu, Apr 13, 2006, 20:09 »

I hope your idea of "Gay armed forces" was tongue-in-cheek!

At this point in time, any reference to gay military forces would, of course, be a purely rhetorical device.

Armed forces are a customary part of the apparatus of the state, however. International law is largely founded upon the threat of armed conflict. Indeed, the current definition of territorial sovereignty requires military control of the territory in question. Without this control, no state is likely to acknowledge a people's sovereignty, no matter how remote the physical location might be.

The role of the military in the function of the state is a controversial topic -- there are many arguments to be made in favor of eschewing such practices. It is a worthy debate for the Politics Forum, should anyone wish to discuss it. Otherwise, this particular topic concerns propaganda imagery, imagery not unlike this cover of the recent edition of Philadelphia Weekly.

Stonewall was a riot.


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Re: Propaganda theme for a poster
« Reply #7 on: Thu, Apr 13, 2006, 09:10 »


I hope your idea of "Gay armed forces" was tongue-in-cheek! :R



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Re: Propaganda theme for a poster
« Reply #6 on: Thu, Apr 13, 2006, 02:42 »

The artist you have in mind is working under a pseudonym "Niklas Edlund" and his works can be seen here. A nice style of drawing, good suitable for the youngsters, I think. :)

If the idea of gay self-determination must have any chance to outlive both of us as mere insignificant individuals,it must aim at our gay youth which is our only channel of communication and action into the future.Secondly and in relation with our gay youth,we must aim at the lower reptilian instincts present in every human being including gays,and patriotism is one such instinct.I know that it is very strong in the culture you were reared in,under the name of Rodina.Third,the youth is enthusiastic and romantic.So,our propaganda should mix thoroughly realpolitiks and real life with romantic and heroic scenes and scenarios of self-determination.



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Re: Propaganda theme for a poster
« Reply #5 on: Thu, Apr 13, 2006, 02:29 »

The artist you have in mind is working under a pseudonym "Niklas Edlund" and his works can be seen here. A nice style of drawing, good suitable for the youngsters, I think. :)

I'll try to contact the author, though we must not forget that gay nationalism is still not a very popular idea. But who knows?

I have information on him that he might not very enthusiastic about such an idea like gay self-determination.But what have we got to loose contacting him ? Do make a try and we shall see.



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Re: Propaganda theme for a poster
« Reply #4 on: Thu, Apr 13, 2006, 02:17 »

The artist you have in mind is working under a pseudonym "Niklas Edlund" and his works can be seen here. A nice style of drawing, good suitable for the youngsters, I think. :)

I'll try to contact the author, though we must not forget that gay nationalism is still not a very popular idea. But who knows?

Another gay comic author is Ralf König: his strips are more sarcastic than any other gay "fun stuff" - the stories are very popular here in Germany. My favorite is "Lysistrata". There must be translation into English available on the market.
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Re: Propaganda theme for a poster
« Reply #3 on: Thu, Apr 13, 2006, 01:38 »

What about some plakate/collage dedicated to the (future) Gay Republic Armed Forces? I am thinking of a couple of SU-35 high in the blue sky, a destroyer on the sea and a tank on the holy soil. A troop of nice-looking lads in uniforms in the front part of the plakate, and a group of construction workers at work in the background.

Unfortunately, I lack any creative skills completely.  :-[ Some gifted painter reading this?

Well,in Germany you have an artist who could translate into vivid images any scenario we could suggess him,should he agree with our political ideas.Which,I must tell you,I doubt.He specialized once,and probably still specializes in cartoons for gay youngsters.He had once a website,under the "Niklas and Friends" title.If he is still in the business,you,Mogul,could contact him.You know how a German thinks much better than I do.Therefore,*you* would be the ideal person to negociate with him,if he can still be reached somewhere on the internet.

I would have a cartoon to suggess him,on the theme of immigration which is basic to our demographics.From the time some gay living in some far away and exotic country,and in danger because of his gayness,leaves forever his native land.After many adventures,he reaches at last that country of ours and of our dreams.There,friends whom he knew previously and his country of origin,await him at the airport.

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