Coral Sea Café > External Members Forum

Coral Sea Café Rules


According to our Terms of Use Policy, you may not post any material which is purposefully false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of International or your local laws anywhere on this site. Note that employing a fake email address or fraudulently using the email address of another violates this policy.

You also may not post annoying Web messages or send annoying e-mail messages without disclosing your true identity. Note that the operative word is "annoy." Anonymous messages in the Coral Sea Café which are "annoying" will be removed and the originating IP address will be banned. Signing a post is not sufficient to make it not "anonymous;" there is no guarantee that the 'signature' is valid. In short, express yourself politely or express yourself elsewhere. You may disagree with someone's ideas here, but you may not "annoy" them. This "annoyance" policy does not apply to other areas of the site. Members of the Foundation and registered Forum Members are not anonymous, but they are advised to follow the same rules in the Coral Sea Café area of the boards.

Violating this policy may result in criminal penalties in some jurisdictions.


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