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  • Lord Karnickel of the United Gay Emirates of Mediterrain and Coral Sea, Atlantic and Pacific
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Re: Now here we are...
« Reply #10 on: Tue, May 24, 2005, 10:29 »

Hm, honey, interesting things you're telling... Like I supposed, the whole matter is of a difficult nature. The strories are completing the whole picture, hopefully to teach us all to avoid similiar developements in future. At the end, our goal is the same and there shall be no extensive hostilities among sisters. ;D

Wanna have another coffee? Unfortunately, the sugar is finished! We are waiting for supplies for two weeks already! Can someone please kick Jon to order a proviant transport to the island? ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Now here we are...
« Reply #9 on: Tue, May 24, 2005, 09:05 »

Geetings to all!

I'll have a very strong cup of coffee, lots of cream and pour on the sugar.  A sweet roll would be nice too! ;)
Everyone else ought to have a strong cup too....this is going to take a while. ::)

I want to thank the GLR for letting me make a post here.  While I am not a member of the GLR, I support their forum.  Plus the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom Commonwealth shares many of their values, and the differences as far as I can see are minimal.  In other words we see the GLR as friends.

I wanted to post here for a historical perspective.  I have read many assertations of recent events within and apart from the "old Kingdom", the GLK.  Some were insightful, others just wrong.
I am here to tell you things as they happened, and why I took the steps I did, with the information I had.

As I'm sure everyone knows there had been disputes between the elected Parliament and the Privy Council of the GLK.  My thoughts were that since the Parliament had been directly selected by the electorte of the kingdom, that it was the superior body of the kingdom.  I had always espoused that power comes from the citizenry and is loaned to other bodies to do a certain duty.  Parliaments duty was to create laws for the kingdom.
A big part of the problem was that it was clear in my mind, what Parliament should do, but not constitutionally clear.  "The constitution" was a mish mash of acts and unrelated lists that was very unclear.
I still get a chuckle out of the national anthem, at the time, being listed as "I WILL SURVIVE" by Gloria Gaynor, and the compulsory draft of a Lesbian militia! :o  Some constitution!
After quite a bit of aurguing with the whole Privy Council and being threatened several times by the Lord Chancellor.  I could see that this system with the PC having veto would never work.
At this time the Parliament was incensed to a man/woman about the high handed dealings of the PC.
This is one of the few times that i will say that if former members deny it they are lying, period.
All read and commented on the "Silver Bullit" written by Jonathan Oriole.  The Silver Bullit was a Act that abolished the Privy Council and re-aligned the government along more Western democratic guidelines, keeping the Monarchy and Dale. It was this paper and subsequent "incriminating comments" by the whole Parliament, that Bill was looking for when he demanded to be allowed to to enter the old GLKAssembly group.  Frankly I erased them, to buy some time, because things were not getting better. A majority, at that time, wanted to "off" the PC then and there.  I was actually the most conservative voice.  I was angry, yes, but thought I could work with Lord Protector Jon.  It was then that I tried to put constitutional reform on the front burner.
Little did I know that this would increase my troubles as the PC saw a chance of losing power.
To this day, I'm not sure if Jon LP was for it or against it.  But the Lord Chancellor was the big dog and it had no chance.
Bill had been threatened all along because I had allowed a Committee of Historical Investigation to be formed in Parliament.  Its purpose was to look into possible wrong doings of present and previous officials of the GLK.  At least once, to my personal experience and knowledge, a present official tried to co-opt evidence to himself, when it should have gone directly to the HIC.
That does not even address monies spent or mispent, or pictorial documents that may have been fraudulent.  We'll never know.
On March 14, 2005 we were scheduled to have a meeting of Parliament, but had no quorum.  So as to make something of the time, i attended a brainstorming session facilitated by Enrique Perez.  Some of the past members of the GLK were there also.
It was a really good session, very positive, very hopeful.  I took notes of the ideas and we are implementing most of them in the Commonwealth now.  Good ideas are precious.
I am not exaggerating when I tell you that the next thing that happened totally shocked me.  Here I was very hopeful that we could at last move forward, when i received a missive from Dale saying he was disappointed in the Parliament and that he intended to dissolve it.  Now there is a monarch that wants instant gratification!  We had just been in session for a month.  We were just learning how to work together and putting a system together and he is making threats.
Now I have to say this in retrospect.  I am not entirely sure it was Dale that sent it.  What surprised me was that it was uncharactoristic of correspondence I had had with Dale.  I can see where it would have worked into others plans to send this threat under his name.
But not knowing this and fearing the loss of an elected Parliament, I brought out the Silver Bullit and dusted it off.  I knew from past dialogues with other members that they supported a change.  I did not know how steadfast they would be.  I attempted to contact, Gunnar, Don, Jonathan O directly, sending e mail after e mail, that there was coup heading our way.  I don't know why I got no response.  I know Don was ill, I don't know about Gunnar and Jon O.  The three Lesbian members I was not sure of.  I did know Jack Blue had been furious with the PC and asking what good is Parliament if we are over ruled?  Beatrice was pretty much out by then, and Karress, when I told her, was afraid the whole endevour would collapse (the GLK).
Enrique and Dan were firmly in the Lord Chancellors bag by then, but they had also earlier expressed outrage over PC actions.
So I believed Parliament had an even shot at it.  I issued the Silver Bullit (Re-Order of Government)  I do regret that things had gone so far and so fast that I could not follow the advice of Viktor and pass it through Parliament the right way.  I think the chances of it happening the right way were slim to none.
BUT I DO NOT REGRET THE COUNTER COUP D'ETAT IN THE LEAST.  I still believe the path it put the now Gay and Lesbian Kingdom Commonwealth on is the right one to accomplish the goal of a Gay and Lesbian state.  I am thankful that people did read the posts in the old kingdom and drew the appropriate conclusions, and came together in a new effort and kingdom.
As I've said in the past, I'm no Ceasar.  I don't desire to be King or Emperor.  My vocations are healing and teaching, my avocation is gardening.  I want to, just for a while, bring them to benefit our peoples.  To start us on the way to our own national house.
Where we are at home because of our talents and attributes, not the suffurance of others.
So here we go...down the rabbit hole!

Could I have a warm up here?  Then I have to go.
Thank you for your indulgence,

Jaix Brooks


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Re: Now here we are...
« Reply #8 on: Sun, May 08, 2005, 18:35 »

Jon, Lord Karnickel has short arms and cannot really hug anyway.  Wouldn't you rather be licked by my nice bumpy tongue in all the right places???  ;D :o

- Elsie, the cow
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  • Lord Karnickel of the United Gay Emirates of Mediterrain and Coral Sea, Atlantic and Pacific
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Re: Now here we are...
« Reply #7 on: Thu, May 05, 2005, 05:05 »

Now Jon,

why don't you like hugs from me ?? I just wonder ... And to state it once and for all: I'm here to execute the wishes of the folks in here, nothing less. It's a hard job ;) . And here is your coffee as ordered.
Be hugged

Lord Karnickel


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Re: Now here we are...
« Reply #6 on: Tue, May 03, 2005, 23:53 »

J'arrive... Voila, Monsieur. Un café créme sans sucre... Et comme dessert? ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Now here we are...
« Reply #5 on: Tue, May 03, 2005, 23:33 »

 :-* Well my dear Viktor, I was just saying that if a Bunny Rabbit is going to give me *hugs* I should like to know that rabbit first  ;) But if he is just a cyber rabbit then I will accept *hugs* from you instead. Oh and cream, no sugar, please.


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Re: Now here we are...
« Reply #4 on: Tue, May 03, 2005, 23:29 »

Jon, Lord Karnickel has no different name, he is just a running gag ;) You can regard him as our waiter in this Café. As here any guest can stay anonymous or use a "borrowed" identity, I would not trust much to some names...

You wanna sugar to your coffe, honey? ;)
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!" Salvor Hardin


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Re: Now here we are...
« Reply #3 on: Tue, May 03, 2005, 07:43 »

 ??? Now see here Lord Karnickel...if you are going to give me *hugs* at least have the curtesy of indentifying yourself  ;D

unknown guest

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Re: Now here we are...
« Reply #2 on: Tue, May 03, 2005, 06:44 »

It works.


  • Lord Karnickel of the United Gay Emirates of Mediterrain and Coral Sea, Atlantic and Pacific
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Now here we are...
« Reply #1 on: Tue, May 03, 2005, 06:41 »

You should be able to post and reply here, even if you are not registered. just for you, Jon *hugs*
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