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Author Topic: UN and LGBT Organizations  (Read 4324 times)

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Re: UN and LGBT Organizations
« Reply #4 on: Sat, Jun 10, 2006, 00:57 »

History books of the future,in some gay independent State set up by gays more deserving  before history than ourselves,shall tell this: from its inception,the gay people was alone like all other nations.It counted on no foreign assistance.It counted even less on the fiction of collective security embodied in the UN,which will anyway probably and already be defunct by the time we get around at setting our own State.



  • Viktor Zimmermann
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Re: UN and LGBT Organizations
« Reply #3 on: Sat, Jun 10, 2006, 00:37 »

This issue is somewhat complicated. Basically, I see there two aspects:

  • International presence and visibility by attending various commitees on a regular basis;
  • Formal membership in the UN of the (future) Gay State.

The first aspect is very positive and should be of course one of the priorities for various LGBT organizations, because without talking to the people in political responsibility one seldomly achieves any progress on human rights.

The second aspect would implicate that the Gay State will (automatically??) join many international treaties and conventions, which might bring some advantages, but also some disadvantages with them. I am too ignorant of the matter to provide some funded analysis of the issue, but it seems that all in one joining the UN is rather advantageous for any state.

I would insist, however, that neither the recognition by the UN, nor the recognition by other states is essential for the souvereignity of the state. Either the country is souvereign, or it is not - and souvereign countries do not care of the recognition of others.
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Re: UN and LGBT Organizations
« Reply #2 on: Fri, May 19, 2006, 02:06 »

We gays shouldn`t deal with the UN,unless to present it with accomplished facts it will be powerless to change.



  • Viktor Zimmermann
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UN and LGBT Organizations
« Reply #1 on: Thu, May 18, 2006, 20:08 »

United Nation's Economic and Social Council has refused the application of German Gay and Lesbian Association for a consultative accreditation on 17 May 2006 (ironically, this was the Day Against Homophobia):

"The Committee rejected, on a proposal of Iran, the application of Lesbian and Gay Federation in Germany -- a national organization that works towards a society in Germany, in Europe and globally where lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender people have equality before the law -- in a recorded vote of 9 in favour (Cameroon, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Iran, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Senegal, Sudan and Zimbabwe), 7 against (Chile, Colombia, France, Germany, Peru, Romania and the United States), and 2 abstentions (India and Turkey).

Before that vote, a motion of no action submitted by Germany was defeated in a vote of 7 in favour ( Chile, France, Germany, India, Peru, Romania and United States), 11 against ( Cameroon, China, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Iran, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Senegal, Sudan and Zimbabwe) with 1 abstention ( Turkey).   According to the rules of procedure, the representatives of Germany and Romania spoke in favour of that motion, while the representatives of Senegal and the Sudan spoke against it.

In submitting her proposal, the representative of Iran, supported by the representative of the Sudan, said concerns about paedophilia had in earlier sessions lead to the rejection of the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) application.  It seemed that now NGOs affiliated with ILGA were applying.  It was not clear whether ILGA and affiliated organizations had taken sufficient measures to prevent or fight paedophilia.  Moreover, she was not satisfied with the answers.

In general statements before the vote and explanations of position, the representatives of Germany, France, Chile, Romania, India and Peru, noting that during the session, applications of three NGOs addressing the same issue had been rejected, expressed concern that there seemed to be a discriminatory trend.  Moreover, due process should be given to all NGOs that applied for status.  The Committee had always permitted NGOs to answer delegates’ concerns.  As homosexuality was a delicate issue, a constructive dialogue between the Committee and the NGO would have been welcome.

The representative of Pakistan said the NGO had been given all due process.  Questions had been asked and answered.  A Committee member could not be forced to ask more questions.

The Permanent Observer for the Holy See took issue with the notion that the demands of NGOs such as the current one had anything to do with human rights.  Sexual orientation was not comparable to race or ethnic origin, he said, and homosexuality was not a positive source of human rights.  The NGO was in fact not asking for equal rights, but for special rights."

Some weeks before, the application of ILGA was refused as well (among others, with votes of Iran, Sudan and the USA). From 2700 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's) accredited at the Economic and Social Council, not a single one represents interests of gay and lesbian people.
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!" Salvor Hardin
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