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Re: Mary
« Reply #6 on: Mon, Jun 12, 2006, 10:26 »

It is well possible that the buyers are mainly old conservative ladies who would like to read about the poor Vice President Dick Cheney who was very hard tried by God with a lesbian daughter.

Perhaps American gays do not identify with those in power in the US and at the same time with loosers on the world stage.Because for the US,the war in Irak started by the current Republican administration is lost.People,wether American or not,or gay or not,will now start to put a certain distance between themselves and an obviously sinking ship,so as to to be sucked in and sunk with it.There could be more shame associated with being the heir of some wealthy US family than in being gay.



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Re: Mary
« Reply #5 on: Mon, Jun 12, 2006, 00:54 »

She could sell 6000 copies? This is a proud number - probably much more than most gay activist authors could sell (I am not talking about belletristics). Clearly, the girl has the same lucky hand in business as her father - she made a good deal!  ;D At the end, the question remains of who were those 6000 buyers - I can't really imagine that any gays were interested to read the marter story of the "gay daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney" - she hardly would be able to report any dramatic experiences.

At this rate, it will be virtually impossible for Simon & Schuster to recoup the reported $1 million advance it paid Cheney for the book, which describes her life as the gay daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney.

It is well possible that the buyers are mainly old conservative ladies who would like to read about the poor Vice President Dick Cheney who was very hard tried by God with a lesbian daughter.
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Re: Mary
« Reply #4 on: Sun, Jun 11, 2006, 20:39 »

A small follow-up on this story: Mary Cheney's book has sold fewer than 6,000 copies since it's release.

This is not especially surprising.

It does however renew the question of just why Simon & Schuster supposedly paid US$1,000,000,000.00 in advance for it. If the reports of the advance payment are accurate, this could be described (at best) as a phenomenally imprudent business decision.
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Re: Mary
« Reply #3 on: Thu, May 18, 2006, 17:39 »

We all know peole these people: they simply do not regard other gays as their family - indeed, why should they? They are born into rich families, they visit expensive schools and they have rich families. Why on Earth shall Mary Cheney feel as if she were belonging into the LGBT-Community, while she indeed was belonging into the US-oligarchy? Among those people, it does not matter whether you are a homosexual, a junkie or a child abuser, the most important is that you do not pick out eyes of the other crows. All the "moral values" are for the masses - their lives are restricted, not the rights of the super-riches. Therefore, some engagement by Mary Cheney for other gays and lesbians would indeed require a moral backbone and ethic consciensce unknown to the oligarchs. 

"From the comfortable confines of the VP mansion, Mary watched the GLBT community get bashed a million times. Yet, she remained a veritable Pet Rock until she received a $1 million dollar advance to pry open her mouth. 

Cheney unveiled a major public relations blitz for "Now It's My Turn: A Daughter's Chronicle of Political Life," but the PR should stand for Pitiful Rationalizations. Instead of garnering sympathy, she has gathered contempt for her meek attempt to justify her silence. She and her family had a unique opportunity to use the bully pulpit to educate Americans, and they failed miserably."

(Quotation from the article by Wayne Besen.)
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Re: Mary
« Reply #2 on: Thu, May 18, 2006, 08:54 »

Stories about the "L" component of the LGBT constellation leave me skeptical.All too many end up like the Ann Eche case,formerly Helen
De Generes`s girlfriend who finaly falled for a guy.What you get is a season rather than a life of lesbianism.You come back a few years later
only to learn that it is over.A real gay community cannot be made of theoretical or seasonal gays.



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« Reply #1 on: Thu, May 18, 2006, 07:47 »

I usually have little to say about Mary Cheney. She's so...boring. But John Aravosis has posed an interesting question about her.

What editor, what book publisher, would give Mary a reported $1 million to write a book that does NOT discuss, let alone focus in a major way, on the major reason she was apparently given the book in the first place? Namely, that she was the subject of a major "outing" campaign (even though Mary has been "out" for a decade, the word works). So why the short shrift on THE issue that would interest the paltry audience that Mary might have for the book?

Unless of course this book wasn't REALLY meant to be a serious discussion of Mary's lesbianism at all. Then what was it meant to be? Why would a major American corporation give $1 million to the daughter of a sitting politician if not for the reason they publicly stated?

A million dollars? Really? For a book that I'd rather set myself on fire than read?

Stonewall was a riot.
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