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Re: Gay News Service (was 365 Forum)
« Reply #18 on: Fri, Aug 25, 2006, 16:01 »

As for now, there is a separate registration required.

From what I understand about the PostNuke, it is possible to integrate a phpBB-forum-based module into the system. There will be some fine-tuning required, of course, but the technical possibilities of the system are very good. I shall try to make this.

The best is, the entire appearance (menue bar, adverisements, contents) can be modified online - by multiple users - so all the usual difficulties of group coordination belong to the past. The articles can be pre-written, edited and then released at the right time, some HTML-formatting can be allowed, e.g. pictures on the left/right side with floating text etc.
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Re: Gay News Service (was 365 Forum)
« Reply #17 on: Fri, Aug 25, 2006, 05:18 »

It is a handsome page.

Must a person register for it separately, or is the registration the same as for the forum?
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Re: Gay News Service (was 365 Forum)
« Reply #16 on: Fri, Aug 25, 2006, 03:20 »

How with this new design, made with Postnuke? The Postnuke software is far more elaborated than the WordPress and offers better tools for both the design and content administration. The articles will be presented as a headline and a story lead-in in the first page, with various sub-pages and categories to be created if required.

So, my dear friends, who will take this challenge? There is no need that one person makes everything, it would suffice if each of us contributes a couple of articles or headlines with a link to the original sources.

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Re: Gay News Service (was 365 Forum)
« Reply #15 on: Thu, May 25, 2006, 23:56 »

Overall, I like the site's appearance. Being fond of rainbows, I can't help but think it would be better if it had more rainbow stripes than a Rainbow Bright cartoon, but that is just me. ;) As a slightly more serious suggestion, the blue banner at the top could be lighter in general, so that it fades to a paler blue. I was thinking something along the lines of "goluboy." [..] Let the negotiations begin.

Ahem, the color change you propose was easy to make... Unfortunately, the software I have installed for testing puposes doesn't offer many options for layout design. The WordPress offers a simple multi-user input system for the SQL database, but all additional embedding into the website is supposed to be done by writing own php-scripts. As a novice to PHP, it would require me to invest some dedication  ;D to learn how to do this properly. There are also some other products like Movable Type and Typo3 but I must first look on them carefully.

So, how shall we christian that new creature?
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Re: Gay News Service (was 365 Forum)
« Reply #14 on: Thu, May 25, 2006, 19:46 »

It might actually look like this "Prometheus", the name and other features are, of course, negotiable. The way to become a part-time journalist was never so easy. Some volunteers? :)

Overall, I like the site's appearance. Being fond of rainbows, I can't help but think it would be better if it had more rainbow stripes than a Rainbow Bright cartoon, but that is just me. ;) As a slightly more serious suggestion, the blue banner at the top could be lighter in general, so that it fades to a paler blue. I was thinking something along the lines of "goluboy."

Unfortunately, "Prometheus" is already rather popular in blog names. Here is but a small selection:

Now, it is popular enough that one more site bearing the name "Prometheus" could hardly be said to ADD to the confusion. Still, it is just an interim name -- thought can be given to what might make an even more suitable name for our proposed news site.

Let the negotiations begin.

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Re: Gay News Service (was 365 Forum)
« Reply #13 on: Thu, May 25, 2006, 11:15 »

To be honest, it would be already a huge progress if more gays would join existing organizations - either local or globall. Our efforts to organize gay national movement in a form of an association are unfortunately lacking support even from those who are interested in gay self-determination. 

The situation is not that bad.Even if we gather over the years a rather limited circle and sector of the gay community,we have by virtue of our advocating gay statehood a potential organizational level far superior to apolitical or assimilationnist gays.They say that when,in a city,there is a parade,two percent of people make up the parade itself,eight percent are mere bystanders and onlookers,and the remaining ninety percent do
not even know that there is a parade.In the course of important historical events and changes,apolitical and unorganized people - wether they are
gay or heterosexual - will not amount to much.They will be like pieces of cork on a stormy sea.The times in which we are leaving are assuredly
regrettable if only for the mediocrities they suggess us.But time wipes out everything.



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Re: Gay News Service (was 365 Forum)
« Reply #12 on: Thu, May 25, 2006, 00:26 »

Both is important: media are essential for our common identity and contribute immensely to transmission of new ideas. Their job is to inform the public and help form an funded opinion. Any intelligence service is mostly doing the same job, but for the government. Generally, in the entire world there are hardly some dozens of full-time professionals working on behalf of gays and lesbians - this illustrates our stand as a people.

They say that a good reporter is better than an average intelligence agent.Or at least an equivalent of a spy.On the stage of history,the gay people and its eventual State won`t often have the option of force.Most of the time,they will have to outwit the hethro Empire and its denizens and agents.In hethro organized societies,only a minority of specialists engage in intelligence gathering and analysis.In a gay State,awareness about the international situation in general and of the role of our country in it and in particular will have to be more widespread.Not only through the action of our own media,but also through whatever non-adult sector of education we will retain.In all likelyhood,we will get,by way of immigration,gay refugees to enroll in the last year of the secondary school system as well as in the high school level.With the participation of the students themselves who would know all too well their countries of origin which they fled,we could set up elaborate courses about the situation of gays abroad.The high school level of a gay State should have a general course in geopolitics and geostrategy.Preparatory to that,the last year of the secondary school level could have a more specific course of,let`s call it that way,Sociobiology 101,related to sexual identity and orientation and their effects on politics.



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Re: Gay News Service (was 365 Forum)
« Reply #11 on: Wed, May 24, 2006, 16:42 »

[..] it could become possible in the future,if some gay independence movement evolved from its present informal and embryonic aspect into a formal and large enough organization collecting dues as political parties do.The moment this happens,those gays who analyse the world situation from the point of view of our interests and designs must be freed of any money or nine to five professionnal concern.Living off the independence movement,they shall do only that: analysing and reporting to the movement. [..]

To be honest, it would be already a huge progress if more gays would join existing organizations - either local or globall. Our efforts to organize gay national movement in a form of an association are unfortunately lacking support even from those who are interested in gay self-determination. I am not talking about money - our expenditures are not large so far - I am talking about personal engagement, or more precisely the lack of such. Whatever are the reasons of this folks, I must connotate that precious personal ressources lay dormant, while they shall be better used. Before we reach the level of paid government, we must live on dedication - therefore, join the Foundation and make our voice stronger.

In that trend of though,I am thinking not so much about a gay media than about the embryo of the future intelligence service of an eventual gay State."Media" and "journalist" would perhaps be genuine in the beginning,but would gradually evolve into euphemisms.

Both is important: media are essential for our common identity and contribute immensely to transmission of new ideas. Their job is to inform the public and help form an funded opinion. Any intelligence service is mostly doing the same job, but for the government. Generally, in the entire world there are hardly some dozens of full-time professionals working on behalf of gays and lesbians - this illustrates our stand as a people.
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Re: Gay News Service (was 365 Forum)
« Reply #10 on: Wed, May 24, 2006, 08:05 »

It seems that the money is indeed a problem which can be overcome - some very simple solutions for collective blogging are available free of charge, e.g. a fine software package by Certainly, the result is not as professional as at, but it is functional.

It might actually look like this "Prometheus", the name and other features are, of course, negotiable. The way to become a part-time journalist was never so easy. Some volunteers? :)

At the moment - and a bit like in chemistry - the external environment factors do not exist to effect a combination of such elements like money and dedication.But it could become possible in the future,if some gay independence movement evolved from its present informal and embryonic aspect into a formal and large enough organization collecting dues as political parties do.The moment this happens,those gays who analyse the world situation from the point of view of our interests and designs must be freed of any money or nine to five professionnal concern.Living off the independence movement,they shall do only that: analysing and reporting to the movement.In that trend of though,I am thinking not so much about a gay media than about the embryo of the future intelligence service of an eventual gay State."Media" and "journalist" would perhaps be genuine in the beginning,but would gradually evolve into euphemisms.



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Re: Gay News Service (was 365 Forum)
« Reply #9 on: Wed, May 24, 2006, 05:24 »

Always it is the vexing problem of money and dedication, in varying proportions. Dedication can often overcome a lack of money, and money can often compensate for a lack of dedication. If only I could stumble upon some secret hoard of both.

It seems that the money is indeed a problem which can be overcome - some very simple solutions for collective blogging are available free of charge, e.g. a fine software package by Certainly, the result is not as professional as at, but it is functional.

It might actually look like this "Prometheus", the name and other features are, of course, negotiable. The way to become a part-time journalist was never so easy. Some volunteers? :)
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Re: Gay News Service (was 365 Forum)
« Reply #8 on: Tue, May 23, 2006, 01:21 »

Certainly, wealthy individuals can betray their people and their country, motivated by the desire to preserve their possessions. Alike, poor individuals can betray their people and their country, motivated by greed and ambition. We must acknowledge the money as what it is: the equivalent of work, not more and not less. Similiarly to the time and efforts, which can be invested into a work or a leizure, the money can be spent for personal pleasures or for achieving some specific goals corresponding with the individual's interests and values. Many rich people have done invaluable services to the mankind, and so did many poor people. If more people would just contribute some amount of their time and/or money to a good project of their choice, our communities would stand much better.

It is not that I exclude gay money from the equation of a geopolitical secession.Gay money will be difficult to mobilize for specific reasons,the same way it will have specific reasons to jump ship or get seasick when a gay State will sail on rough waters.Poor gays won`t have the opportuny to flee abroad and there live off their swiss bank accounts if a country of ours is invaded and temporarily occupied by some hethro power.The poor would like to flee no less than the rich,except that they do not have that opportunity and will have to stay and bear the brunt of the struggle and material and human losses incured to regain independence.



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Re: Gay News Service (was 365 Forum)
« Reply #7 on: Mon, May 22, 2006, 21:37 »

Always it is the vexing problem of money and dedication, in varying proportions. Dedication can often overcome a lack of money, and money can often compensate for a lack of dedication. If only I could stumble upon some secret hoard of both.

I guess, the dedication is the resource we are bound to exploit in the first line...  :L Though, the best results are often achieved when the product meets the market, and people are ready to pay for what they get.

An interesting and successful enterprise to learn from is the media empire around the magazines Jet and Ebony. The founder of that media empire, John H. Johnson, had an elaborated strategy for achieving black emancipation through inner strength of African-Americans. One of the major principles was to regularly publish positive reports about successful African-Americans, just to give people more positive role-models and strengthen their self-confidence. Another principle of Ebony was to never provide "negative publicity" about black people, because, as Johnson said, "white media are doing this for us already". One can have different opinions on this issue, but at the end his strategy proved to be a genious one: starting with 500 $, Johnson has made a fortune of 500.000.000 $.

The respective interests evoqued here might not always or often be compatible.The wealthy with something to conserve are by virtue of their own professionnal and socio-economic limitations ... conservative.I include among the whole lot wealthy gays,whose concern about wealth could drive them into compromission,when it is not assimilation,into the hethro political body and lifestyle.Rich people might serve their country in times of plenty and bliss,when it costs them nothing personnaly to do so.But all too often they betray it in times of adversity.

Certainly, wealthy individuals can betray their people and their country, motivated by the desire to preserve their possessions. Alike, poor individuals can betray their people and their country, motivated by greed and ambition. We must acknowledge the money as what it is: the equivalent of work, not more and not less. Similiarly to the time and efforts, which can be invested into a work or a leizure, the money can be spent for personal pleasures or for achieving some specific goals corresponding with the individual's interests and values. Many rich people have done invaluable services to the mankind, and so did many poor people. If more people would just contribute some amount of their time and/or money to a good project of their choice, our communities would stand much better.

[..] I rather like their site and their organization. It's the sort of thing I would have in every gay community in every city of the world. The activities of groups like this (and I would certainly hope that the SFGMCI is not unique) should be widely reported, particularly since it is reputed to be the largest of the 'gay villages'. While their efforts are confined to their own community (as they ought to be), what they achieve may well be adaptable to the circumstances of other communities. [..]

We need both - good functioning communities and a global network. There are many issues connected to the gay community, all of them being important but requiring different levels of organization. While the global network can prove to be an effective means to solve political questions, the local communities are the best suitable to release individuals from social isolation. Both, the local and the global gay structures are existing, but in a very rudimental stage of developement - as a people, we are far from what we could be if properly organized.
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Re: Gay News Service (was 365 Forum)
« Reply #6 on: Mon, May 22, 2006, 20:03 »

Always it is the vexing problem of money and dedication, in varying proportions. Dedication can often overcome a lack of money, and money can often compensate for a lack of dedication. If only I could stumble upon some secret hoard of both.

The respective interests evoqued here might not always or often be compatible.The wealthy with something to conserve are by virtue of their own professionnal and socio-economic limitations ... conservative.I include among the whole lot wealthy gays,whose concern about wealth could drive them into compromission,when it is not assimilation,into the hethro political body and lifestyle.Rich people might serve their country in times of plenty and bliss,when it costs them nothing personnaly to do so.But all too often they betray it in times of adversity.



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Re: Gay News Service (was 365 Forum)
« Reply #5 on: Mon, May 22, 2006, 01:57 »

Of course, such projects require some money and a dedicated staff. What I miss the most in many our magazines are some positive news from our communities. Sure, it is important to know about human right violations from Texas and Maryland, but isn't there a large amount of good things happening in our gay society as well?

Always it is the vexing problem of money and dedication, in varying proportions. Dedication can often overcome a lack of money, and money can often compensate for a lack of dedication. If only I could stumble upon some secret hoard of both.

I sometimes wonder if there really IS a large amount of good things happening in gay society. Still, surely there must be some. You recently posted on a fine article in the San Fransisco Bay Times. Upon examining it more closely, I was delighted to find that it's source was the San Fransisco Gay Men's Community Initiative.

I rather like their site and their organization. It's the sort of thing I would have in every gay community in every city of the world. The activities of groups like this (and I would certainly hope that the SFGMCI is not unique) should be widely reported, particularly since it is reputed to be the largest of the 'gay villages'. While their efforts are confined to their own community (as they ought to be), what they achieve may well be adaptable to the circumstances of other communities.

Anything having to do with gay culture really must be reported on more often. We have actually come to the state where one can almost believe the hetero claims that "there is no gay culture." But in truth, we are rich beyond words in painters and novelists. We practically rule the world of theater in many ways -- the last time I looked at the theater listings in the New York Times (and it was many years ago), at least half of the plays were by gay play-writes and had gay story lines. There could always be more gay films, but there are many now. One could make a web site about such things, and After Elton tries to be one of them. I would hope that there are more in languages other than English.

Ultimately, I think we must enjoy being angry and unhappy. Otherwise, why ever do we fixate so upon the most horrible events in the news. We share this quirk with str8 people. Even on message boards, we are inclined to post about negative stories and rarely about positive ones. Of course, it may simply be that the media provides us with so little to work with in that regard.

Perhaps we can all seek out more positive developments. I could certainly use some cheer for a change.
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Re: Gay News Service (was 365 Forum)
« Reply #4 on: Mon, May 22, 2006, 00:01 »

Software is something I know very little about, so my recommendations have no weight. QueerDay used MovableType. It seems to have served him quite well, though Philo is also handy at web designing, so much of the resulting product may be his own craft-work and not the result of any particular software. MovableType is a fairly popular choice among bloggers.

Thanks, Ron. I was curious for the way such newsportals could be set up... Of course, such projects require some money and a dedicated staff. What I miss the most in many our magazines are some positive news from our communities. Sure, it is important to know about human right violations from Texas and Maryland, but isn't there a large amount of good things happening in our gay society as well? We are in need of more reporting on our cultural live. Not only about outstanding singular films, but also about low-budget independent productions, new books and simply the local and international gossip. Our most important news portals are like a good front page in a "normal" newspaper - but where is the local part and the commentary? :R

Still, it seems to me that too many of our press outlets are merely acting the role of journalists, rather than being journalists.

This is very true, with singular exceptions - e.g. Doug Ireland is one of those who come into my mind of being good professionals. There are many good gay journalists all over the world - unfortunately, only few of them are working for gay media.
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