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Two scenarios of gay political independence

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--- Quote from: Mogul on Sat, Jun 10, 2006, 01:04 ---At the moment it can not be stated with certainty whether lesbians really have different interests than gays, and how the society would be composed. As imaginable possibilities, I would say that there might a controversy arise about artificial insemination and getting children, and the distribution of spendings for education etc..

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The above issue,the one of motherhood,will remain hypothetical and academic in the absence of a female population.Likewise if the sample of
female participants in a project of gay independence do not raise the said issue in the course of its political talks with us.Such women could be
interested more in furthering their own professionnal carreers and status as modern role models for women and pionneers of a new way of life for women than in motherhood.Should however such women would want a gay organized society and Republic of ours to be the mere continuation of the type of relations between men and women which existed heretofore under foreign hethro rule,then the time will have come for us gay males to contemplate and elaborate a scenario of secession from the hethro geopolitical body which will leave all members of the opposite sex on the hethro side of the political frontier to be established.The mere mention that we could do it could have a moderative
effect upon the egoistical desires for motherhood,which are essentially inspired by the culture of the hethro regime and foreign to our way of
life which entails renunciation to any private reproductive undertaking.Upon becoming geopolitically independent,we gays shall transfer to society and to the State the competence over reproduction.That will be a mere formality,corresponding to that way of life of ours which we have upheld against incredible odds since the origins of mankind.



--- Quote from: Mogul on Sat, Jun 10, 2006, 01:04 ---All in one, there must be regulations on what issues minorities can claim to be settled, and regulations on issues requiring wide consensus.

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My only concern as a gay separatist is the interest of the gay people.



--- Quote from: Mogul on Sat, Jun 10, 2006, 01:04 ---Certainly, "democracy" means the rule of the people. This implies that the opinion of the majority determines the general politics, and that minorities (the riches, or the poors, or the young, or the old etc) often have to surrender much of their interests at the will of the majority.

However, the state's basic legal framework (the constitution) must determine the borders of such a dictate of the majority over the minorities - the well-found ballance is distinctive for any good state. A well-fixed ballance between individual rights and the rights and competencies of the state will be decisive for the success or misfortune of the Gay State.

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After some gay State is established and secure against a foreign hethro international environment,yes,definitely.But in an intermediary stage,and if hypothetically one is to choose between the establishment and salvation of the State - of our State,mind you -  and the foreign hethro interest,the individual interest will have to be discarded wether it is the one of heterosexuals or of gays.We are involved here in a discussion about collective bliss,which may differ from the egoistical and petty satisfaction of the individual.Provided that the gay people is saved and living in self-determination and in a State of his own,I do not care what happens to gay individuals.


Certainly, "democracy" means the rule of the people. This implies that the opinion of the majority determines the general politics, and that minorities (the riches, or the poors, or the young, or the old etc) often have to surrender much of their interests at the will of the majority.

However, the state's basic legal framework (the constitution) must determine the borders of such a dictate of the majority over the minorities - the well-found ballance is distinctive for any good state. A well-fixed ballance between individual rights and the rights and competencies of the state will be decisive for the success or misfortune of the Gay State.

At the moment it can not be stated with certainty whether lesbians really have different interests than gays, and how the society would be composed. As imaginable possibilities, I would say that there might a controversy arise about artificial insemination and getting children, and the distribution of spendings for education etc.. Another controversal question might be the health care system - the lesbian women might differently perceive the issue of HIV/AIDS and the necessety to spend money for its treatment.

All in one, there must be regulations on what issues minorities can claim to be settled, and regulations on issues requiring wide consensus.


Thus,part of the campaining of the various political parties and factions of a gay democratic State based on immigration will be aimed at those gays living abroad.They will try to convince those gays to emigrate to that gay State in the hope of increasing their own importance and influence there.And naturally some of those parties or factions will encounter objections,pilling up under the expression of "yes,but",and uttered by people having closer ties either economic or cultural with hethro societies than with a gay independent State.



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