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Author Topic: Status of the Group?  (Read 4387 times)

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Re: Status of the Group?
« Reply #4 on: Fri, Jan 11, 2008, 18:52 »

When a fee is requested, some exchange of value is usually expected.  Beside working for the stated goals, can you say what a members gets for the dues paid...? 

I can add that what one "gets" in exchange for what I think are really quite reasonable dues is "Members have the right to vote, to elect and to be elected."

The forum, on the other hand, is quite different -- it's free. You do not have to be a member of the Gay Homeland Foundation to discuss Gay nationalism here.
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Re: Status of the Group?
« Reply #3 on: Fri, Jan 11, 2008, 12:27 »

I think of this group as a "think tank".  Many of these contributors have a knack for examining a subject from all sides.  This is a faculty I do not I admire it in others.
But I run into this in my group.....a fairly simplistic view that these things can happen over night. What is my immediate benefit?   People holding similar views generally fall by the wayside.  Perhaps as a people we suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder. LOL

So..the seed has been planted. A Gay Nation! I hate to say it...but Dale put the first seed in.  Others added "fertilizer" (it was fertilizer right? ???)  and so we go.
If one is looking for an immediate benefit, other than thought provoking discussion and communing with others of like mind, then I don't know what to tell you.
But I do not claim to speak for this Forum.....I just hold them in high regard.



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Re: Status of the Group?
« Reply #2 on: Mon, Dec 31, 2007, 03:56 »

The visible group activities were somewhat low in the last few months, that's true. The most recent posts in this forum can be found using this link: The "orientation phase" seems to be over, and there is little need in reiteration of debates on early issues (who is Gay, where to locate the State geographically, what to do with children etc.). Much needed are (in my view) ideas on native "Gay legislation" and ideas for self-organization of local Gay communities.

Among the results of some significance, we have elaborated a few workable approaches to the "Gay State". One option is a so-called "non-territorial souvereign entity" maintaining an ex-territorial settlement in some friendly country. The souvereignty is an attribute of the entity as an assotiation of persons, the territory is solely "leased" like an embassy or a military base. Hereby, the precedence case of the worldwide recognition of the Order of Malta could be utilized to argue our cause. What would be needed to establish the Gay State as a worldwide network is the cooperation of Gay organizations.

We are basically a work group at the moment ("a very small organization"), and our work consists mostly of "thinking" and "talking" -- means, we are explaining the idea to the (mostly very sceptical) public by means of personal conversation, letters, casual articles etc. Public activities in the year 2007 included leaflet distributions on 2 Gay Pride events in Germany (Duesseldorf + Cologne), a commemoration of Iranian Gays killed by Ayatollaha regime, and a 90-min talk on the Migration Congress in Cologne (see also our archives).

Some information on the extent of our spendings in 2006 can be found here:,402.0.html. Typical spendings are e.g. making reprints of an essential PhD thesis on Order of Malta and sending it to some decision maker in the Gay world - to explain the approach. One such reprint costs about 4 EUR, plus 2 EUR postage - looks little, but can sum up to neat amounts.

Contributing money for the popularization of an idea gains nothing but intellectual satisfaction as a returned value, not more and not less. Basically, we can offer you some tools for distribution of your ideas and articles (e.g., our Gay Republic Daily is a listed Google News ressource), and perhapts an access to our humble library (several scans on Nationalism and Gay politics). If you have some ideas on what such an organization should offer to its members, don't hesitate to give us your input.
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Status of the Group?
« Reply #1 on: Mon, Dec 31, 2007, 00:25 »

I noticed the last post in this forum occurred some three months ago, which leads me to ask: is this an active group?  Perhaps the group is busy with other activities and just this forum has become inactive.  Also, I am wondering how many paid members there are in the group?  When a fee is requested, some exchange of value is usually expected.  Beside working for the stated goals, can you say what a members gets for the dues paid, and how are dues being spent?  While I agree the stated goals are noble, I would like to know what is actually being done to achieve those goals and if the group is in the seed-germination phase?  Please excuse my skeptical nature, but there seems to be some relevant information missing here on the web.  Thanks to anyone willing to reply and discuss the issues raised.

Best wishes,
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