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Author Topic: Gay & Lesbian Kingdom (Unified Gay Tribe, NOT of the Coral Sea Islands)  (Read 9314 times)

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  • Viktor Zimmermann
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I shall look forward to examining this opus once it is published...

The December 2007 Gayzette announces the new GLK constitution to be presented soon:

The Constitutional Committee is finalizing our Constitutional document. Our political science consultants in the University of California are finalizing the last proposed revisions of the main body of the document and have sheduled a trial session with the committee to test the logic of the document before the end of January 2008. The process of finishing the various sections of Organic Law is nearly complete. Due to logistical concerns, the completion deadline was extended into the First Quarter of 2008.

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  • Viktor Zimmermann
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One can only speculate on the motives of others.

Much true. I have looked into the Yahoo group more closely and have discovered that a member can delete his own posts. Well, as for the motivations... Jon might have had his.

One more demonstration for why better not use Yahoo, thoough. And making a backup of the database.
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  • Official Flying Monkey Smiter
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Now there's an idle curiosity for a sunny autumn afternoon. He's been quite removed from the member list as well.

One can only speculate on the motives of others. This does not keep us from doing so though, does it?  O:)
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  • Viktor Zimmermann
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In case someone bothers, all recent messages from Jon Matlick have now disappeared from the GLK Yahoo Message group:

I am really curious on who has deleted them, and for what reason...
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  • Viktor Zimmermann
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Now that nearly 3 years have passed since the GLK made its rounds through the world, we must acknowledge the fact that no substantial proress has been made - substantial in the meaning that nothing nearly resembling a souvereign entity has been made up. I dare to say, however, that the understanding of what ways Gay self-determination can and should take, has advanced.

If GLK leadership need 2 years to set up a constitution, it's entirely in order, provided they will really come up with one. It would help, however, if they would at least re-establish their website. The capabilities of a government are frequently judged in first line in its ability to acknowledge the things as they are. It would thus help much, if they would start to recognize the hard facts and acknowledge that while they truly wish to establish a souvereign entity, they of course are far from being one at the moment.

It would further the process, too, if all of the involved parties would find a way to forget their hurt feelings and return to a reasonable debate on what we all wish to achieve. The ones who were sharply critisized in the past must acknowledge (if only to themselves) that the criticism was largely justified. The critics, in turn, should consider that for things to be moved, there must actually be someone who will move them. The ones who persist in their mistakes are obviously lacking judgement, but those who sit and wait untill something is done by others are no less irrant.
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It would appear that they have decided to completely scrap the constitutional foundation of their project in favor of creating it anew, from the beginning. It is a strikingly peculiar course of action to choose, but it was their course to choose and they are welcome to it. Naturally, researching various constitutional documents of constitutional monarchies would take much time. Cobbling together a constitution for themselves after this research would also take much time -- with month after month passing with nothing of value to show and no meaningful progress to report. It is not such easy work, nor does it lend itself to frequent progress reports. I can understand their silence on this matter.

If they are truly trying to prune a 150-page draft to but 100 pages, I both applaud their industry and wish them luck.

I'm not sure what purpose a hundred pages will serve, and I'm not sure how they will manage to follow it's dictates once ratified (after all -- the Gay Kingdom Act had many fewer pages than this).

I shall look forward to examining this opus once it is published... all efforts to build Gay self-determination are of the greatest interest. The Gay people should govern themselves.

For future, additional efforts, I would heartily encourage not relying on the Gay talent for 'redecorating' the constitutional efforts of straight people. The needs of the Gay people are their own and arise out of quite different circumstances than the needs of straight people. If the Gay people will but attend to the questions of who they are and what they want, an autochthonous constitution will inevitably emerge.
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This Gayzette is just more rhetoric on their part. It was only posted because they were confronted regarding their lack of communication with their "constituency".
Additionally, it states that
"The GLK Gayzette is the official publication of the government of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom, and is published on the last day of each calendar quarter during the reorganization phase ...."
Yet, this is the first issue of a gayzette since17 December 2005...almost two years

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  • Lord Karnickel of the United Gay Emirates of Mediterrain and Coral Sea, Atlantic and Pacific
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For those who care of such things, a new issue of GLK's Gayzette appeared:

There Enriqe Pérez explains what they have been doing since August 2005 and what their plans for the next future are. 

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