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Re: His Imperial Ridiculousness, Dale of GLK fame
« Reply #26 on: Mon, Aug 22, 2005, 11:27 »

Well I must be getting old....
I thought in your announcement, Jon, when you were stepping down as LP, that you said Enrique was going to be LP.  Sorry if I misquoted you.  Wasn't intentional.  I usually read everything on the old kingdom that is written with gusto.

Like I said, I'm not in the least musical.  So I was just asking friends for ideas.  The whole anthem thing took me by surprise.  Greg Almodovar, our Secretary, thought of it.  I see it as a chance to market or catch people's eye (or ear).  But Greg was twiddling his thumbs and wanted to do it.  I thought the committee for the Constitution/Duarchs had their section all done and ready to be presented.  But Dona Alba wanted some changes.  Oh well :'(
Getting late--or early gotta go



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Re: His Imperial Ridiculousness, Dale of GLK fame
« Reply #25 on: Mon, Aug 22, 2005, 09:22 »

He-he, what "cats" are you talking about? ;D You don't mean the ongoing registration, don't you? This is not that kind of confidential any more, as we are in goode stand now. I hope we will be able to register within the next two weeks, as the documents are very close to completion. Then they will be made public, of course.

This is an open forum, therefore not everyone is member of our organization, this to be mentioned for clarification. All interested parties are heartly invited to discuss our common goal in this forum, but do not necessarily identify themselve with our organization. To become a member of the association, formal aplication is still required.

Jaixs is the Prime Minister of a "concurrent" project called Gay and Lesbian Commonwealth Kingdom. We welcome him and his camerades to share their views on the matter with us and to look for a cooperation to realize our common goal.

Newertheless, our official position remains that it's a bit early to proclaim any form of souvereignity at the current time point.

Jon was the last Lord Protector of the GLK, and is free first to orientate himselfe with us. He didn't declare so far that he has left the GLK therefore any assumptions of his illoyalty towards the "old kingdom" are slightly premature as well. :) By the way, an official statement from the GLK's parliament is still outstanding and it is not clear at the moment, whether their dismissed officials are inclined to abide to Dale or make some deviant efforts.

This much told, I agree to 100% percent that we would be glad to welcome all the interested individuals in our group and continue the initial effort by more appropriate means. 

As for the flag, the rainbow woud be my favorite  :R at any times. Maybe slightly modified by placing some additional symbols in the upper left corner? Sickle and hammer, or lesbian axe? Or the eagle as a symbol reminding us of the Ganymedes legend?
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Re: Anthems
« Reply #24 on: Mon, Aug 22, 2005, 00:34 »

In all honesty, I was quite fond of "I Am What I Am". That said, the best serious suggestion I've heard was "Jupiter" from Gustav Holst's Planets Suite. It would, however, be infinitely preferable for the Commonwealth to commision the composition of a new piece of music.

I actually agree. By choosing a familiar disco tune, we stereotype ourselves. We have to bear in mind that what we are trying to do here is largely going to be passed on to a future generation, and we wouldn't want to turn them off by our choice of anthem, flag, etc.  As for the flag, I had originally come up with one which Vicky pronounced dreadful (It had the equal symbol bursting through chains on a solid blue background, thus indicating our will to burst though inequality... how lofty!) I think using the rainbow flag is also presumptuous; there are and will be many organizations like ours out there that will come and go and for us to try to lay claim to ownership over the rainbow flag would be too bold and offensive to many others. So, a flag is also needed.

However (and it's a really big 'butt'!)   ;D all of that is premature!  We are putting the cart before the horse, which is what the good people at GLK let themselves be led into.

First, let's get the foundation off the ground legally. That's something Gunnar, Vicky and I have now been working on (haphazardly, I'm the first to admit; life seems to interfere wherever it can) since Day 1, and we are so close we should do this now

That said, we need 7 people to come forward (well, four if you count the three just mentioned) to be the signatories on the founding papers... that means that four of you who have joined us recently should consider this step - it means that we will have actually moved from a little chat group with big plans to a legal entity which can go about its business and actually pick up where the GLK failed and move this movement forward. In the interest of fairness, we should definitely be looking for at least one or two lesbian friends to join us as founding members, in order to ensure input equality from "both sides" of the issue. Obviously someone who is bi- or trans- and feels they want to be a part of history is welcome too. Our original purpose was and is to be as all-encompassing and -welcoming as possible!

After we have achieve founding status as a legal entitiy, then we concentrate on membership building. Strength lies in numbers.

A flag, an anthem, a place to call our own - all of those come way down the list!  If you look at my posts about possible locations for an eventual homeland, please note my use of the work "eventual" in all of them - the steps to get to owning our own homeland and the steps to independence are all laid out on the website! Rushing everything out of order is counterproductive

Now Vicky can kill me for having spilled my guts here and probably let various cats out of various bags,  :R but I just see a tone here of excitement, which is very very good, but all of it sort of unbridled, which is not so good. Channel the excitement and with it we will move mountains, time and politics!

Enough pontificating.  :+

« Last Edit: Mon, Aug 22, 2005, 00:39 by Vizier »
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Re: His Imperial Ridiculousness, Dale of GLK fame
« Reply #23 on: Mon, Aug 22, 2005, 00:23 »

Hello all... sorry for my long absence; I went through a lot in recent months and am now in a slightly better place (mentally and otherwise), although unemployed.  I am glad Viktor called for some decorum on the topic of His Imperial Crackpottedness, Dale I., King and Emperor of Nothing. He sent me some Nastigrams to while I was still in Vermont that were so obviously self-authored in an attempt to intimidate me, but I had to laugh very hard at most of them (and then immeidately dispatch them into the big e-mail graveyard in the sky).

Basically, I agree with Viktor here - let's just ignore him or be polite about him, even if we do snicker behind his back (with our polite little hands  raised to shield his view of our guffaws and kneeslapping).  :+
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Re: His Imperial Ridiculousness, Dale of GLK fame
« Reply #22 on: Sun, Aug 21, 2005, 20:59 »

A warm welcome to Jon!  :R

I am glad that we finally got together here to communicate our thoughts and discuss the manifold topics. Time will heal many of the old wounds, and I am confident that we can keep our different opinions over past differences (in future some new may come), but still treat eachother friendly and with due respect.

Now we shall look into future developement and try to avoid traps where others were caught in the past. It's important to analize the reasons of any unfortunate developements critically and try to make things in a better way, if possible. As non of us is in the posession of the final truth, a sound sensitivity to the ideas of the opponent will do us all a greate favor.

Little and carefull steps they will be, but hopefully to a bright future!

@ Jaix: my favorite is "Go West" in Pet Sop Boys' performance, but you would be indeed well-advised to get something written specially for the Commonwealth. A kind'a gay Marselliese? :)
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Re: Anthems
« Reply #21 on: Sun, Aug 21, 2005, 20:08 »

I would agree with that.

It would, however, be infinitely preferable for the Commonwealth to commision the composition of a new piece of music.
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Re: His Imperial Ridiculousness, Dale of GLK fame
« Reply #20 on: Sun, Aug 21, 2005, 19:53 »

I don't know where you got that. I have not communicated with you since you left the "old kingdom" and I have made no public statements regarding anyone assuming the position of "Lord PRotector". You must have misunderstood something or someone else made such a statement.


Yep, when Jon left, he mentioned that Enrique would succeed him as Lord Protector.  I congratulated Enrique, but told him that he should give up the other titles so as not to appear greedy. :D

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Re: Anthems
« Reply #19 on: Sun, Aug 21, 2005, 14:15 »

In all honesty, I was quite fond of "I Am What I Am". That said, the best serious suggestion I've heard was "Jupiter" from Gustav Holst's Planets Suite. It would, however, be infinitely preferable for the Commonwealth to commision the composition of a new piece of music.
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Re: His Imperial Ridiculousness, Dale of GLK fame
« Reply #18 on: Sun, Aug 21, 2005, 10:46 »


Yep, when Jon left, he mentioned that Enrique would succeed him as Lord Protector.  I congratulated Enrique, but told him that he should give up the other titles so as not to appear greedy. :D

While I'm here...and since it is your nickel...does anybody else know how Don is doing?  He hasn't replied to any of my mail. 

Don, if you're out there...drop me a line, please.

Another question....Greg, got this question going in the Commonwealth, "What song is appropriate for a national anthem for us (Commonwealth)?"  I am not that musical...only thing I can play is the stereo! ;)
Any of you gentlemen have a good one?  If you say, "I Will Survive". I'll hurt you! :P
Any  ideas? 

Also, are then any Lesbian republicans in here?  Just curious.

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Re: His Imperial Ridiculousness, Dale of GLK fame
« Reply #17 on: Sat, Aug 20, 2005, 21:11 »

Did I miss anything? I din'd know Enrique was appointed to be the Lord Protector!? I must have a serious talk with our chief of intelligence - I like to be informed first-hand! ;D

Well, nations consist of people, and as long as noone invested money into luxurious hotels on Cato, there is no obvious reason to insist on this islet. Clipperton is as good as any other territory to be "rightfully claimed". I don't think that there is much to be stolen from the GLK group - the 700 addresses probably are not of such tremendous use. The people belonging to them obviously do not care much about what will happen with the GLK - there was not public outcry, only few sarcastic reactions.

But we will see. I am confident that the idea of the gay nation is alive and kicking, but some illusions are gone, that's for true. A steady effort, learning from the old mistakes, has better chances to succeed - if not in the next couple of years.

Regards, Vicky
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Re: His Imperial Ridiculousness, Dale of GLK fame
« Reply #16 on: Sat, Aug 20, 2005, 20:26 »


You know I am quite vain!  I'll have to be pretty on the outside and ugly on the inside!
I tried being pretty inside and it didn't work.  I apologised to Bill, Dale and Enrique about being happy that the old kingdom had landed in the mud.  Dona Alba thought it would be good politics to do so.
I have to say, after I got some replies, it was a bad idea.
I have absolutely NO SYMPATHY for the former "Lord Chancellor", "Emperor", or "President of the Parliament-Prime Minister-now Lord Protector".  I do have sympathy for Jon and the citizens left in the lurch.
Also I do not think it is unkind to salvage as much as possible from the old kingdom.  West Germany did the same with East Germany when it folded.  Nations can sometimes be like a school of fish.  Big fish eat little ones. Burrrrp!  Excuse me!  Carrion anyone?




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Re: His Imperial Ridiculousness, Dale of GLK fame
« Reply #15 on: Sat, Aug 20, 2005, 19:24 »

Jaix, what ugly and spitefull character you indeed are! ;D ;D ;D

Though, I must confess that I feel pity not for all individuals involved. 
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Re: His Imperial Ridiculousness, Dale of GLK fame
« Reply #14 on: Sat, Aug 20, 2005, 07:35 »

I think we ought to look on the bright side of this.  Humptey Dumptey can not be put back together again!
But it will be interesting to see the death throes.
I don't believe that there is a Parliament left in the GLK. Apparently even their citizens aren't interested in carrying on.  But how can they even use citizenry authorization for a new government when they have denied that that was the raison d'etre for the GLK.  THEIR authorization was Dale as the head of state.  Now they are headless.
Meanwhile the Commonwealth intends to keep salvaging the remains of the old kingdom.  Humptey Dumptey may have broken his shell.....but he'll make a tasty omelet!
But we won't have the entertainment!



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Re: His Imperial Ridiculousness, Dale of GLK fame
« Reply #13 on: Fri, Aug 19, 2005, 10:11 »

Jon made his decisions knowing the lacks of the system and involved individuals. I just suppose that he has seen a chance to bring the GLK forwards that times, this was his judgment of the situation. Maybe the influence of Bill has played certain role (who for sure has visions and can be very charismatic by times), or Jon just didn't consider our efforts of any better prospectives that those of the GLK.

It's a weird joke of history that Dale, who scarcelly participated in debates on the GLK forum and rather brought damage to the GLK by his foolish actions, that this person indeed regards himselfe as the most important individual in the group, and in the posession of the moral right to dismiss others, who have done the real work all the time. Poor Jon, his talents are wasted with this "Emporer". 

I'm interested in the outcome of this struggle for competences. Unlike the crisis in April 2005, the "dismissed" officials are in the posession of the administrative rights of the both internet domains and the yahoo-group. They can easily prohibit Dale from participating in the future debates and keep the business as usuall. Also Bill and Enrique were smart enough not to react by any overhasted actions, instead they are obviously trying to get the parliamentarians together and pass an ordinance by majority.

Still, what options do they have now? Without Dale there is no further need or "right" to claim Cato for the GLK, therefore they will loose the territory (Bill founded his whole legal argumentation on the necessety to have Dale to justify the occupation of that reef). Should they let Dale as a king, they will encounter the same problems every 2 or 3 monthes again and again, as he seems not able to work with other human beings for longer time.  Besides, who would stay there now??? It's just a waste of time and ressources, and any sensible individual should find many better ways to serve the GLBT people.
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Re: His Imperial Ridiculousness, Dale of GLK fame
« Reply #12 on: Fri, Aug 19, 2005, 08:57 »

Well one does hate to gloat too much over Dale's and Bill's difficulty......
The GLK ex government finds itself in the same situation I did some month's past.  ;D
I told them time and again that they needed a foundation for doing business, and too much power was in too few hands. 
For the life of me I can't understand why Jon M would still keep company with that looney bin!  I think he was earnest in his work for the GLK.
I feel sorry for all the "citizens" now left in a heap. 
Trouble is, the GLK has given everybody concerned a black eye. :-[
The GLK is dead....RIP
Light the  funeral pyre....and me without a big drum of petrol :'(

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