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Do we need to have a bad word list?

Yes, we do, this forum is invaded by not well-educated people
- 1 (16.7%)
Yes, without any restricition
- 2 (33.3%)
We don't need it, people can be warned if the don't behave
- 3 (50%)
Not needed, because the Moderators can edit the messages
- 0 (0%)
I don't care
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 4

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Author Topic: Bad Word List  (Read 5581 times)

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Re: Bad Word List
« Reply #13 on: Mon, Aug 22, 2005, 08:27 »

Peter, those spiteful individual was me! Long time ago I added about 5 words to the "bad word list" and earned harsh critics from Gunnar. :R

Then this thread was born to discuss the necessety of the bad word list, and upon discussions my "bad word list" was turned off again. The current situation is that we have perfect freedom of speech here, with a possibility to warn members and let them re-word their textes when necessary.
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Re: Bad Word List
« Reply #12 on: Mon, Aug 22, 2005, 00:45 »

Hello all...I have not turned on any bad word list, or if I did I cannot remember having done so. Then again, I was kidnapped by aliens and anal probed for months so I don't really remember all that much anyway! Ha ha ::)
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Re: Bad Word List
« Reply #11 on: Thu, Aug 18, 2005, 07:32 »

Gunnar, you are talking out off my heart! I am also absolutely confident, that we all are able to use neat language and express ourselves appropriately. Therefore I think there should be no problem at all to actually use these capabilities. Indeed, I cannot imagine any sensible reason why someone should insist on use of fecal language when he/she is able to express himself/herself in a different way??? ::) 

The English language offers so many possibilities to insult someone (if necessary) in polite terms, so why not apply these tremendous sources? ;D
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Re: Bad Word List
« Reply #10 on: Thu, Aug 18, 2005, 05:03 »

And again, a bad word list is non-sense (or senseless). Words can be changed easily by , well, like this and the bad word list is useless for changing letters into signs.
@ Solo: you are okay with your wording, just to mention it ;)
@Mogul: Do we really belong to the common internet forums? I hope not. Solo is right if he demands "freedom of speech" - we all are able to express our views in a acceptable manner.


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Re: Bad Word List
« Reply #9 on: Wed, Aug 17, 2005, 22:00 »

He-he, why do you think I was talking about you, honey? ;D If some of the moderators would take offense in your wordings, you would be officially warned, which is not the case. :) I wish we never shall encounter the situation to ban anyone because of the language.

The discussion is just of certain general interest, as the problem is common on the most internet fora.

Poor W., he apparently has not many friends in this group. Yet, behave!
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Re: Bad Word List
« Reply #8 on: Wed, Aug 17, 2005, 05:36 »

I haven't used vulgarities in any of my posts...  I don't think so anyway.  All that I was trying to express is why folks use bad words whenever they are online.  I, for one, have the mouth of a sailor, in real life.  Just FOUL.  Heheheheh...  Out of respect for others, I try to keep it clean.  Oh... and ich MAG HÖCHST den Aeffchen von einem Maennekin auch NICHT... Ich hoffe WIRKLICH, dass er aufhört... schmerzlich zu leben. * kichern *

Solo, the one and only.

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Re: Bad Word List
« Reply #7 on: Wed, Aug 17, 2005, 03:50 »

Ahem, just let everybody feel comfortable... Nothing against this, dear. The problem is, that if some people feel comfortable by uttering vulgarities, others (of more gentle nature) begin to feel very uncomfortable and are inclined to leave the forum. Therefore the administrators have to make a decision by times: let every rude continue how he/she desires and loose the other members, or enforce that the rules are followed, even at the risk that any (at the time hypothetical) villain has to be banned?

I am sure it is not that much difficult to remain polite and set up a statement without vulgarities, just staying on the idea one wishes to transport to others. This is a public forum and the rules of behaving oneself in society are applicable also here without restriction, don't you think so?

Regards, Vicky
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Re: Bad Word List
« Reply #6 on: Tue, Aug 16, 2005, 23:50 »

Bad words and vulgarities of all kinds only have the potency that they have because people give them such power.  Words are just that...  words.  There's a medley that goes:  Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.  Now, if you were among dignitaries of the world, common sense would advise you to refrain from such language, right?  Of course.  Here in this forum, where people are at ease and comfortable, they really should be allowed to express themselves in which ever manner suits them, in my personal opinion.  When people oppress themselves, out of common courtesy in the real world, sometimes the only place that they feel they can be themselves and own up to their true feelings is behind their monitors.

...I'm just saying...

Solo, the one and only.

"I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart."-- Anne Frank (1929-45), German Jewish refugee, diarist, captured and sent to concentration camp.


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Re: Bad Word List
« Reply #5 on: Thu, Jun 09, 2005, 20:11 »

Dear Gunnar, haha!  ;D

Wie ich dieses Aeffchen von einem Maennekin doch HASSE. Und HASS ist nicht schoen, aber er verdient wirklich einen langsamen, grausamen, oeffentlichen Tod. Scheiterhaufen waere nicht schlecht...
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Re: Bad Word List
« Reply #4 on: Sat, May 21, 2005, 01:51 »

OK, guys... The bad word list seems to become a very important issue for you, therefore you can have what you want. Personally, I would prefer a very short bad word list, but if you guys insist we can take it completely down. In turn, members should have the possibility to correct their posts in a civilised manner.

Günter, of course you have right with the difficulty to draw the border line between censorship and avoiding of vulgarity. If we cannot mention Mr. Dick Cheney by name, the discussion turns out to become rather difficult. On the other hand, it is absolutely inacceptable that one of our members, especially an administrator, is posting death wishes to anyone in this forum. No matter what you think about Mr. Bush, this statement is not acceptable, even if meant in a playfull way. Besides all legal aspects, such a call contradicts humanity and our basic principles. Personally, I wish Mr. Bush good health and long live as well as change of his malacious policy end an end of his political career.

Please, show a little bit more responsibility and do not issue any fathwas anymore in the forum, honey. We respect human dignity of any person including our opponents.
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Re: Bad Word List and terms of use ;)
« Reply #3 on: Mon, May 09, 2005, 16:23 »

Dear Vizier,

as an Administrator of this Forum I have to warn you because of offending both the term of use and Federal Law. I don't like a bush next to an oil well, nor do I like one in a House (too much dirt). However, be warned. ;)
This time friendly



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Re: Bad Word List
« Reply #2 on: Sun, May 08, 2005, 18:28 »

I tend to agree with Gunnar on this as stated previously. While I can see the cause for alarm and concern, who is to say where we draw the line between this and real censorship, which was one of the main reasons I did emphatically dislike the GLK's Yahoo forum? If we cannot realistically vent and give people the benefit of what we truly feel here, are we not a sham just like the GLK's forum is/was? I do agree, however, that we must be vigilant and expedious in making sure that our Forum does not descend into a venue for name-calling, making people feel uncomfortable here, and also allowing things to get out of hand, but that is the job of the moderators and they have received numerous tools with which to manage that job - such as the warning device and the ability to, after due consultation with the management and Exec Council, ban members for breaking the Terms of Service, which has strong passages in it every member agrees to when first registering with this forum. Is more absolutely necessary?  I have read the treatise Vicky sent me on Vereinsrecht (etc.) and cannot see that it contraindicates free speech, free discourse and intellectual exchange. I do see where it makes us responsible legally for content (within strict limits) and also for enforcing norms within the organization, but it does not in any way imply that that obligates us to censor members or their thoughts and opinions. If I wanted censorship, I would propose founding this organization in the U.S., not Germany or elsewhere where people still can speak without fear of retribution.

On that note, DEATH to GEORGE W. BUSH!
Having recently escaped the bowels of East Germany, I remain

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Bad Word List
« Reply #1 on: Thu, May 05, 2005, 01:01 »

We as administrators are a bit concerned about recently used "bad" words in this forum, because it is a public forum and open to 6bn. people. What will the earth think about us if one single person at a time uses words to call somebody names? Also another question arose: how to manage such a list, as this board accepts and supports (as for now) 16 languages?? Do some words have a different meaning in other languages? We just wonder how to manage this Forum, having thousands messages per day and only three administrators.

You have one vote.

There was another post, and it was seperated accidentally.
Here now the "original post added:
We as an Adminstrators of this Forum, have recently discussed if we should start censoring so-called "bad words".
I can only say that this is nonsense, because it makes a proper quotation among other things impossible. And it starts censoring on a very fine line.
I think, that we as members here can express ourselves in a good manner. So such a list is not needed. What are you thinking about this one?

« Last Edit: Thu, May 05, 2005, 04:47 by Gunnar »
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