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Author Topic: Spain allows gay marriages - unforeseen problems  (Read 2711 times)

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Re: Spain allows gay marriages - unforeseen problems
« Reply #4 on: Thu, Aug 11, 2005, 18:46 »

I don't even care what's going to happen in the USA anymore.  I'm leaving it.  There is too much corruption and small-minded, prejudiced, racist bigots for me to tolerate. 

"I'm walking away from the troubles in my life." - Craig David

Realistically, it's hopeless to think I could change the opinions of my "American" rivals, who have already proven they are as formidable as they were two centuries ago.  Self-righteous and set in their ways of hypocrisy and intentionally blind to their own short-comings.

As for this joint venture to rid the world of evil, namely "us", is just too "American" for words.  The USA did it with that whole...  War on Terrorism.  "Terrorism" = Iraq, and the world turned their nose up at the USA.  It's good to know all is forgiven and the US's critics have signed on to doing things the "American way"...  So "Evil" = Homosexuals.  I realized a while ago that the United States will ALWAYS be at odds with someone or something.  It is the only way it knows how to operate and keep political agendas properly focused.  You've got to be able to distract the onlookers with your left hand, while your right hand does as it pleases.  If all the gays packed up and moved out of the USA, the government would just go right back to picking on the blacks, jews and middle easterners.  No doubt. 

As for marriages in Spain, and all of Europe, in addition to adoption rights...  it's all a matter of perception.  One could consider it "baby steps", not with the intent to discount the efforts of our heterosexual supporters, but...  for millenia now, societies have been claiming to be civilized and enlightened, but they are not.  Not even close.  Much closer today, than twenty centuries ago, but come now.  As a race, we've been able to chronicle our history for how long now, and we still haven't learned or accepted that we are ONE PEOPLE on ONE PLANET???  In that context, we are moving at a baby-step-pace.  Doesn't it amaze you how we can advance with huge leaps and unbelieveable bounds when it comes to computers/technology, weaponry, defensive capabilities, surveillance, transportation, mass manipulation and self-serving bullying politics?  Yet we either stay tragically the same when embracing ignorance regarding socioeconomical misfortunes in other countries OR blatantly disregard global law and resort to violence and murder when it suits us. 

If I am being positive, which I am, the most kind thing that I can say is: Mankind is still in its infancy and does not know any better yet.  Let's just hope we don't fall victim to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, even if we do deserve it. 

Solo, the one and only.

"I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart."-- Anne Frank (1929-45), German Jewish refugee, diarist, captured and sent to concentration camp.


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Re: Spain allows gay marriages - unforeseen problems
« Reply #3 on: Thu, Aug 11, 2005, 14:58 »

Ah, they have settled the problem now:

"Spain's same-sex marriage law includes foreigners the justice ministry has ruled, overturning a decision by a court in Catalonia [...]"

Read the article at:

@ Solo: Well, legally gay and lesbian people in Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium and Canada have now the same rights as their heterosexual follow citizens (though I'm not sure about adoption regulations). The state can not make everybody happy, but at least it should provide the legal fundaments for person's free life and developement. The social changes might take some additional time, but the achieved progresses are significantly more than just "baby-steps" and we should recognize the hard work which was needed for these successes, as well as the good-will of many heterosexual politicians.

Unfortunately, not everywhere in the world the developement goes to the liberal direction. Nowadays religious fundamentalists of many couleurs are unified in their strive to condemn homosexuals and "extinct the evel". Noone knows what the religious right in the US will do as next - in Kansas they are going to omit the evolution theory from class-rooms!
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Re: Spain allows gay marriages - unforeseen problems
« Reply #2 on: Tue, Jul 26, 2005, 05:24 »

Spain has made remarkable progress.  I am inclined to encourage the gays of the world who are finding themselves with new rights, to be thankful for these "baby steps" toward equality, but not to rush or push too aggressively for too much at once. :-\  We should all stive for equality for all members of society, but those parties that have opposed us for so long are laying in wait to scream, "See?  You give 'em an inch and they take a mile!"  Yes, gays of differing nationalities should be able to share the securities that marriage bestows heterosexual couples, but in a heterosexual male oriented world, where these men are threatened by so little, we'll quickly be accused of mounting a gradual invasion force or something as equally ridiculous. :o  I am concerned about how the LGBT Community may suffer exploitation for these realized rights, should we be taken advantage of by those with sinister motives.  Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing!
"It's not right, but it's okay." ...for now. 8)   
Solo, the one and only.

"I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart."-- Anne Frank (1929-45), German Jewish refugee, diarist, captured and sent to concentration camp.


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Spain allows gay marriages - unforeseen problems
« Reply #1 on: Sun, Jul 17, 2005, 08:42 »

Well, as all of you possibly know, spanish gays and lesbians can now marry their partners - and some already have taken the opportunity. Unfortunately, Spanish law, when a foreign partner is involved, reportedly only allows marriage if in the country of origin the marriage also could be performed. This has the consequence, that in the same-sex marriages only partners from Spain, Netherlands, Canada and Belgium can be married - pretty disappointing for the many binational couples, whose hopes get destroyed in spite of the apparently completely equal rights with heterosexuals.

I am curious, how the Spanish legislators will solve this problem - and why nobody from the well-paid lawyers has recognized the complexity of the matter at an earlier time point.
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!" Salvor Hardin
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