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Author Topic: Is It Time For The Pendulum To Swing In The Other Direction Yet??  (Read 2514 times)

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Re: Is It Time For The Pendulum To Swing In The Other Direction Yet??
« Reply #3 on: Tue, Jul 26, 2005, 09:08 »

I wish the world weren't in the state that it is where my outlook is left expecting the pendulum to swing in the other direction any moment now, but look at history.  Gays and Lesbians have embraced their fellow man time and time again and the outcome has been the same. :'(  Now, as I would love to believe that the nature of man will change in our lifetime, it is doubtful.  I do believe global harmony can be achieved.  It is quite a feat, since we're still killing each other and concerning ourselves with how to protect ourselves from others with lethal weaponry, but if this planet were governed by women, or homosexual males would we even be having the conflicts that we are having now?  Violence isn't the best solution, but it is a solution just the same.  A solution that would force an issue to close a lot sooner than later.  Trust me on this when I say that heterosexual males believe in their creed that has translated into every language;  MIGHT MAKES RIGHT.  We're still living like cavemen; just not in caves.  Worse even... like animals.  That's because that's exactly what we are.  As a people, we ostracise what we perceive to be the weak.  It happens all the time in the animal kingdom, why should we assume we are any different?  The only thing that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom is we are a species that have evolved to a stage that has allowed us to develop verbal communication.  That's what has allowed us to rise to the top of the food chain and avoid extinction.  We learn things and teach them to others of our species.  I'm not saying I love the idea of using violence as a means to extinguish the problem at hand.  I'm just expecting it and would welcome it because it would mean far less violence in the distant future.  That's the problem with our society today.  We keep putting ALL of our issues off for future generations to deal with and it's not fair.  It's just not right to create political issues and not resolve them, all the while programming our children with unhealthy beliefs to promote mistrust, which leads to the failure of a solution to the political blunders made in the present.  We're reeking havoc on the environment with no regard to the consequences of our actions and justifying it with, "We'll just let the future generations deal with it."  Its piss-poor and foul.  The USA keeps selecting leaders that would stay true to the investment in developing weapons of mass diestruction and programs to aid the rich in retaining their wealth and ignoring the poor, the homeless, the under-priviledged driving their economy into an unending, ever-growing deficit.  'No worries, though.  The future generations will figure it out.'  How?  With a time machine?  Magic?  Wars?  PEACE?  WISDOM?  COMMON SENSE?  ::)
If my views seem militant, it's because they are; very much so.  Some of us are tired of playing the game as they would have us play it, so we can suffer loss after loss after loss.  I'd gladly take the chance at losing my life to my followers, than to my enemies...  but somehow I just don't see that being an issue, even if it were the case.  Politics, Religion, War... it's all the same thing really.  We just haven't figured it out yet. :(
Solo, the one and only.

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Re: Is It Time For The Pendulum To Swing In The Other Direction Yet??
« Reply #2 on: Tue, Jul 26, 2005, 07:12 »

A gay querilla? Not exactly a thing I would pleadge for... Revolutions mostly end up in a greater misery than before - and revolutioners of the first day loose their lives by the hand of their followers.

Most gays and lesbians probably would just wish that the sexual orientation will cease to be a topic of importance in the society. Means, it should be absolutely not important for others, whether one sleeps with girls or with boys - just like what color of the eyes one has or what kind of shampoo one is using. I would agree with this in a perfect world, but unfortunately there are mighty powers on work to enforce societies to outcast gays and lesbians. Our current situation (in the "Western Civilisation") is much better then 30 years ago, and still no one can be sure this liberal period will last for much longer. The history proves, that good times are followed by bad times and I see no evidences that this law is going to be overturned.

It will be not possible to install "ideal order and humanity" all over the world for all times, so it would be a great progress if we would have a refuge for our people - an own state.
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Is It Time For The Pendulum To Swing In The Other Direction Yet??
« Reply #1 on: Tue, Jul 26, 2005, 01:55 »

Okay...  so for more than 2,000 years, our primitive society has targeted homosexuals as people to be victimized and exterminated.  In the past, sporadically, when homosexuality has been accepted/tolerated, those instances came before gays and lesbians were discriminated against in religious doctrine by a commonly practiced faith.  Will society suffer any form of a backlash??   :-\
Americans of African descent are (?) enjoying (?) the power of having the pendulum swing in a favorable direction.  They have seized civil rights in the US, and the only thing that blocks their individual rise in success is racism, which is being overcome day-by-day.  The cost?  EXPENSIVE.  We, as a people, will be paying for the crimes against blacks in the USA for a long time, as we should.  Nations other than the USA should have put a stop to this abomination of slavery as they were made aware of it.  Shame on us all.  And for the abductees' descendants, for this violation that lead to the rise of power that earned the world's respect, they receive forty crumby acres and a mule.   :-[
How will we, as a community, respond to a well deserved sense of equality, once Civil Rights are achieved for the LGBT Community?  Will we revert to discrimination by nation over time?  Will we integrate ourselves into mainstream society, losing our bond and pride that has been formed over the years of struggle?  Do we become militant and shed the shame that so many of us are raised to accept within ourselves for our sexual preferences?  Do we form packs with the intent of Backlash-Bashings to seize power that has been denied to us by our oppressors?  What is to stop us from making the same mistakes as others made before, as far as how we conduct ourselves?  We are a crutch for many societies that promote superiority.  Some countries cannot function unless they have others within their nation to look down upon.  To tolerate less fortunate inferiors within a nation and abide to laws that control the lives of those inferior castoffs is what provides them with a sense of civility and enlightenment.  THIS IS THE 21st CENTURY.  WE ARE SAVAGE, BARBARIC, PRIMITIVE, VICIOUS ANIMALS!  Don't for one second think that the technological advancements we have made as a people means anything as to how we should be perceived as a global society.  Cavemen mastered the use of fire - did this make them enlightened and advanced.  No.  Not really.  They were cavemen able to use fire and able to lose control of fire, becoming victims of themselves.   >:(
Personally, I say we proceed with caution.  I'd hate to gain acceptance from the world, only to lose ourselves and the bond Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Individuals have to one another.  I have so much anger for our mistreatment, if I were to force a decision from myself right now on how queers should respond to centuries of hatred, I'd have to go with violence.  Nations like the USA deserve to crumble under the destruction of Civil War.  That's just me...  I'm all for freedom, quality and non-violent peace too, if it is surrendered on a silver platter.  And that's all that I'll say about that... for now.  :-X
Solo, the one and only.

"I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart."-- Anne Frank (1929-45), German Jewish refugee, diarist, captured and sent to concentration camp.
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