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Author Topic: A letter to Bill Freeman I have posted in the "Old Kingdom"Group on 28th Apr. 05  (Read 3427 times)

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  • Viktor Zimmermann
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Well, the titles would be maybe less disturbing, if the people in qustion would be aware that these are just offices and play not to serious about the titles. But when the sounding title alone is important, this becomes a farce. It's better, the title is humble and the real work done by the person is essential and of some use to others.

P.S. The said above does not find application for me. Your Great Mogul.  ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: Sat, Apr 30, 2005, 09:42 by Mogul »
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!" Salvor Hardin


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honestly I agree with you, it is something that happened and it is over now. don't worry about it.


I have no idea what all this is about., and find it very confusing. I am happy we are our own little group and will hopefully provide a true and genuine alternative to a little club which seems to find it necessary to have "Imperial Majesties" and "Lord High Protectors" and so forth.  In my opinion, people who need that should go play Dungeons and Dragons and not try to found actual countries for gay people.


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I have no idea what all this is about., and find it very confusing. I am happy we are our own little group and will hopefully provide a true and genuine alternative to a little club which seems to find it necessary to have "Imperial Majesties" and "Lord High Protectors" and so forth.  In my opinion, people who need that should go play Dungeons and Dragons and not try to found actual countries for gay people.
Having recently escaped the bowels of East Germany, I remain

VIZIER, your exalted yet most humble WebMaster


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this is a reply to a note that my partner sent too the gaykingdom in response to a note from Gunnar and Vicky


I have to say that I do agree with you on some of the things that you
have said it is sad how some people are treated in here. Dallas a
now parliment member once said that because Don agreed with some of
the things Jaix said he was guilty of treason. It is very sad how
some people are treated.

Today Bill made a thinly valed remark about Don and how he had a
headset that Bill would like back, this was a thin valed remark about
theft, or at least that is the way I took it and another member took

First off let me remark about the headset thing

when Bill sent Don the Headset he NEVER STATED that it was just a
loaner. and to be honest Bill needs to talk to Don about the
headset, and this means by email personally. But I am truly Ofended
by this. IF this was a loaner then that should have been said at the
start. Now I am not saying that it wont be returned But Bill needs
to contact Don Personally and ask him, Don is not a member of this
group anymore, and I think that this is something that needs to be
brought up with him.

I do agree with Vicktor on the items he brought up in his postings I
am insulted by the fact that Bill now brings this up, and in a public
foruom without talking to Don personally first, and when Bill knows
that Don No longer belongs to this group, and Bill lumps Don into
the same catagory with Jaix again, I know I am personally tired of
peolple doing this to Don, just because Don Agreed with Jaix on
things this has now been assumed that Don and jaix are joined at the
HIP. And I will point out that Jaix is not a part of The GLR, Jaix
has his own Group, Don is a Part of the GLR because it is a true
democracy and it has freedom of speech and freedom of thought,
without people calling him a traitor because of his thoughts ideas
and speech. NOW these are my opinoin only not those of DONS, if you
want his thoughts you must ask him personally, we are partners but we
have our own thoughts and our own ideas.

Chris (if mind serves),
Joe is a liar. I am on moderate in the gaykingdom group, and I'm all
but a new member. I also have tried many times to talk to Joe
earlier, and he never responded. I tried with email also. The same
I did not withdraw my citizenship, I did not left this group. This
needs to be made pretty clear, as some forum members imply that I
left. Resignation from a post as an elected official because of
disagreements on the policy made by less than a handful members,
which have more or less the say here, is different from leaving the
group. I will not do this. May be that some moderators decide to ban
There has recently ( a few weeks ago ) been a rumor, that I had
already resigned. Joe Grande's pubic comment in this forum
was: "GREAT!! Did Dale already accept it?"
This mail will be send to you, Don, HIM Dale, the Assembly (including
Jon) and the gaykingdom group.
It's sad how people are treated here. Perhaps it will become better.
Perhaps Joe Grande says one time, that his resignation as a member of
the privy council has already been accepted by Lord Protector Kyle
Thorne. Perhaps once Bill will agree, that former PC Member Kai Sway
never resigned, but has been fired. There is proof for. And Bill and
Joe (perhaps Jon Matlick, successor of Kyle Thorne too) know that. So
it's very likely that this message will not appear in the gaykingdom
But that remains to be seen ;)

--- In, redaktion.knesebeck@g... wrote:


  • Viktor Zimmermann
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Dear Bill,

you probably will be surprise to read a message from me in this group. As our ways parted 2 monthes ago, I prefered to critic your way of leading this group from outside and give you peace on your own terrain. But this recent post urges me to post a comment on the way
how you are dealing with people.

In your posting, cited below, you are publicly accusing Donald and Jaix of theft, though wrapping your accusation in a honey-sweet words. If you really would just appreciate to get anything wich belongs you back, you would certainly choose the way of private communication. The
true intention of your posting is, knowing Dons weak health, to hurt him by public insult and to present members and current leaders of Gay and Lesbian Republic (GLR) as thieves. [Besides: Jaix is not related to GLR, as you are falsely stating, though a personal friend of mine]

Whereas I cannot speak for Jaix, Gunnar, Jonathan, Don, Beatrice (all the former Assembly members) and leave their proprietary matters to themselves, I would like to remember you that you still have 41 USD from me for a certificate I once applyed for and never received. Yes,
it's true that I never sent you the application back, but how could I do this, if the application form was hastily copy-pasted from the US-citizenship application form? There still are 41 Dollar in your
pocket for a never-fullfiled service. OK, take the money and run, but don't play this comedy with the headsets here. People sitting in a glasshouse really are well-advised not to throw with stones on others.

If you disagree with the policy of our organization ( and the democratic idea behind it, so please explain your views openly and publicly, instead of abusing the most vulnerable member of our group for your purposes. Donald really does not deserve this kind
of treatment.

As I probably will not post in this group very often, I would appreciate to answer to one of recent posts by Joe Grande. Joe, you blame us for critisizing the leadership of this group and state (to
distinguish your noble nature) that you never critisize our group in turn. Well, on this place I ask you publicly: WHY don't you do this? As we were members of this group, you never spared with critic and sometimes neither with injurig words (we played hard as well, therefore it's OK). But out of what reason you are that much tactful now? To be honest, my friend, aren't you rather worried that people find out how to come to our website and maybe form an opinion on their own?



--- In, "William J. Freeman" <wjf@b...>
> [...]
> We've had a couple instances now
> where having an extra headset for newly elected officials would have
> nice. I'd be happy to send you a
> postage paid return box for the headset if it isn't a burden for
> I've sent Jaix one several weeks ago and
> it appears he intends to retain his headset - he hasn't sent his
> Perhaps it is of some use to him in the
> GLR movement. I know it is a lot to ask.
> [...]
> -Bill Freeman
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!" Salvor Hardin
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