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International gay cooperation and solidarity

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--- Quote from: K6 on Sun, Apr 23, 2006, 20:15 ---I have reservations about totalitarianism which I once mentionned in this forum.They are not really sentimentally based,or motivated by the salvation of the individual.Totalitarian States and regimes have no process for transfering political power in an orderly fashion from an administration to another.Or from one generation to another.In that respect,totalitarianism endangers the continuous existence of the State. [..]
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This is a very satisfying statement - it makes at the end no difference out of what motivations one makes the right thing. In my view, the state is the expression of the collective interest of the people - to serve the common needs of the people. In a totalitarian regime the state quickly turns out to serve interests of the clique at power - and against the people. It is good that we agree upon that point.

You are suggesting to learn from Jesuits - I can agree to this notion, yes. Political and methodological education is very important. Religious orders have recognized this long time ago, and we can learn a lot from them about organization.


--- Quote from: Mogul on Sun, Apr 23, 2006, 19:24 ---
Your notion of sacrifice in the service of the gay state is a valuable one, and can be very well preached to the cadres of military, medical corps or particular political organizations. These values, however, cannot be transplanted into the entire population by the means of coercion and brain-washing.

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On that point,I do not disagree with you.Gays are real,not idealistic.We will have to do the job with the human material at hand.With the best
material available upon which we can set our hands,like the Jesuit order.



--- Quote from: Mogul on Sun, Apr 23, 2006, 19:24 ---
It must be clearly stated at this point, that in the gay state we would be fierceful political opponents: I abominate totalitarism in all its forms, even in the form of the gay totalitarism.

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I have reservations about totalitarianism which I once mentionned in this forum.They are not really sentimentally based,or motivated by the salvation of the individual.Totalitarian States and regimes have no process for transfering political power in an orderly fashion from an administration to another.Or from one generation to another.In that respect,totalitarianism endangers the continuous existence of the State.That,but that only,keeps me from giving my adhesion to an eventual totalitarian gay regime.The individual alone would not provide me with a motivation to remain comitted to democracy as the least disagreable political regime.Once the task of establishing a gay independent State is over,power must be handed to a democratic political regime,in the same fashion announced by General De Gaule in his War Memories.The comitment to democracy is sentimental in certain individuals,and motivated by the Raison d`État in others like my humble self.You remain free to assess which motive is the most reliable.



--- Quote from: Mogul on Sun, Apr 23, 2006, 19:24 ---K6, we apparently have very differing understanding of the role of the state, and of the role of so-called "political elites". You seem to be very fond of the "Staatsräson"

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If I am not compelled by circumstances to choose between the State and the individual,I won`t.I will actually be glad to be spared that terrible choice,which is not an easy one for a product of a democratic society like my humble self.But if some individual forces me into a choice between himself and some gay political interest more permanent than an individual,I will do that choice.It cannot be said that I will not have given an advanced warning to that effect.I am a deadly serious person when it comes to the idea of gay self-determination.



--- Quote from: Mogul on Sun, Apr 23, 2006, 19:24 ---There are strong indices in favour of the in-born nature of human sexual orientation. We could therefore very well talk of someones "heterosexual" or "homosexual" nature, meaning the natural affinity to the opposite or the same sex. Even (arbitrarily) assuming that children are not sexually determined at birth, one can hardly argue that an individual "chooses" freely his sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is about feelings, not about deeds - even a homosexual engaged in "heterosexual lifestyle" still remains a homosexual - a closeted one, however.

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What individuals feel is beyond my humble means of evaluation.Individuals are therefore what they do,and which remains within the range of my capacities for observation.



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