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Re: Remote by there
« Reply #8 on: Tue, Jan 31, 2006, 07:25 »

Actually, do you know something about legal requirements for achieving/purchasing "market rights" in Canada? I mean, in case one has enough money and a sufficient number of "citizens", what should one do to be allowed to build a village or a city right from the scratch?

I have unfortunately no information of that subject.We have in Canada and in Montreal for example a sector of the city called precisely "Le Village
Gai" with what seems to be a majority.But this is the result of a migration and settlement in a formerly poor district of Montreal vacated by others,which occured at the beginning of the 80s.Gays simply decided,for what reason I do not know,to settle there.



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Re: Remote by there
« Reply #7 on: Tue, Jan 31, 2006, 04:57 »

Actually, do you know something about legal requirements for achieving/purchasing "market rights" in Canada? I mean, in case one has enough money and a sufficient number of "citizens", what should one do to be allowed to build a village or a city right from the scratch?
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Re: Remote by there
« Reply #6 on: Mon, Jan 30, 2006, 01:50 »

K6, thanks a lot! :T

I will look at the area in google maps. The climate is not our most severe problem, I guess. As long as one has electricity or even simple wood, one can create oneself a very comfortable environment.

An excentric uncle of mine - now departed - lived for a quarter of a century as a squatter in the forests of the Abitibi-Témiscamingue*,in a shack
he had apparently built himself.It lasted untill the government found his shack on a land without title of property,and evicted him.They say that
there are about 15,000 squatters in the province of Quebec,in remote places.They have once shown images of their "shacks" on TV,and some were actually homes just like one you`d see in a city.How the hell the squatters transported the construction materials in such remote places,I do not know.In the absence of a government authority,I would not be difficult to squat a large part of the canadian territory.A reservation about Canada though is that while it is mostly unhinhabited,it is also mostly unhinhabitable because of the climate.But if one likes a Dr.Zhivago
style gay romance ...

* Mid-way between Montreal and the Hudson bay.



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Re: Remote by there
« Reply #5 on: Mon, Jan 30, 2006, 01:15 »

K6, thanks a lot! :T

I will look at the area in google maps. The climate is not our most severe problem, I guess. As long as one has electricity or even simple wood, one can create oneself a very comfortable environment. Besides, there are little things as full of pleasure as a cosy evening with a boyfriend inside of the warm home, when outside it's cold and snowing and the wolfes are howling...

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Re: Remote by there
« Reply #4 on: Mon, Jan 30, 2006, 00:52 »

Actually, where is Hecate? So far I only was able to find "Hecate Straits", is this somewhere there? I am afraid I'm not that good in Geography.

It`s apparently on Nootka island,which itself is seemingly separated from Vancouver island by what could be that Hecate straights.The Nootka
island is about 20 km wide and 30 km long.They say that the climate in the area of Vancouver is not as harsh as,say,in Quebec (where
it ressembles much the one of Moscow).An interesting and interactive way to study geography is the MS Fligh Simulator computer program
(I`ve got the 2002 version).It shows in a quite realistic manner how a place looks like: topography,vegetation,type of vegetation,seasonnal
changes in vegetation,seasons with snow in the proper areas,succession of day and night,most highways including secondary ones,middle size and
large cities.Upon confirmation that I have found the right Hecate straights,I`ll go see with the flight simulator how it looks like.



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Re: Remote by there
« Reply #3 on: Sun, Jan 29, 2006, 23:42 »

:W  As far as an area to inhabit and claim, how about the Hecate sound off of Canada. Last I looked (3years ago) no lived there and while it is cold, people live much further north in alaska. Yes, it would probably have to start as subsistance living, but hey, get settled enough and it might work as the foundation for our own homeland. Anyone have a reply to this. It would be good to have a nation where our uniqueness is not a legal or social detrement to our living.   
Any feed back?

Sure, Canada is generally very good candidate for any land donation. ;D I think it is even not really necessary to wait for any desintegration of this state (I know K6 has slightly different opinion on the subject). The problem is, of course, that one can't simply settle somewhere and declare independence - the land owners (be it the canadian state apparatus) will be quick to defend their property. My suggestion was to buy territory and then negotiate, using the property in the meanwhile for creating facts. Unfortunately, non of our fellow gay nationalists seems to posess enough money which would even suffice for a cattle farm.  :'( I hope this will change when we are more in numbers.

Actually, where is Hecate? So far I only was able to find "Hecate Straits", is this somewhere there? I am afraid I'm not that good in Geography.

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Re: Remote by there
« Reply #2 on: Sun, Jan 29, 2006, 07:51 »

:W  As far as an area to inhabit and claim, how about the Hecate sound off of Canada. Last I looked (3years ago) no lived there and while it is cold, people live much further north in alaska. Yes, it would probably have to start as subsistance living, but hey, get settled enough and it might work as the foundation for our own homeland. Anyone have a reply to this. It would be good to have a nation where our uniqueness is not a legal or social detrement to our living.   
Any feed back?

I grew up myself in a remote part of Canada.A place where large swaths of territory could eventually become available would indeed be Canada.
That would happen perhaps after the disintegration of both the United States and Canada.Both are complex and fragile industrial societies and civilisations,not above the fate which befall the Roman Empire fifteen centuries ago.We were in existence millenia before the currently existing
countries were founded.We shall answer present long after they have dissapeared,and could thus succeed them if only we wanted to.



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Remote by there
« Reply #1 on: Sun, Jan 29, 2006, 06:05 »

 :W  As far as an area to inhabit and claim, how about the Hecate sound off of Canada. Last I looked (3years ago) no lived there and while it is cold, people live much further north in alaska. Yes, it would probably have to start as subsistance living, but hey, get settled enough and it might work as the foundation for our own homeland. Anyone have a reply to this. It would be good to have a nation where our uniqueness is not a legal or social detrement to our living.   
Any feed back?
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