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Author Topic: Re: The Falklands  (Read 11412 times)

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Re: The Falklands
« Reply #2 on: Sun, Feb 26, 2006, 16:03 »

And the problem with the Falklands is the problem everywhere : No country will give you a squaremetre, I think.
We'll have to conquer space by settlements in continental Europe where the dying Democracies will give way to us, as well as they give way to the Islamists, if we only make enough noise or use violence if needed. [..] Let's conquer Germany ! Let us "abuse" all the "Gay Rights" this country has ever given to us to infiltrate this and take it ! [..]

The good thing about Falklands is, that there are solely 3000 citizens there, and the chance to "infiltrate" them and gain the democratic majority  is much higher, than infiltrating any European country. In case we will be able to dominate the government in Falklands, it would be easily possible to re-write laws for immigration to our advantage and boost the gay population. It appears also rather easy to buy-out the current heterosexual inhabitants one by one, as Falklands offer rather low perspectives for employment and cultural live. For us, having our final goal in sight, these circumstances wouldn't appear as especially disturbing.

Falkland's economy was long time deficitary, and there is not so much oil and other ressources there worth of talking. Much of the revenues stem from fishery licencies. The only reason for UK to keep the islands are of military nature, connected to some national pride.

Now, think about a situation that we have the majority on Falklands and keep local politics and economy in our hand, whereas the islands formally still belong to the Crown and the British military base is still located there. Would this be this much a bad situation? I don't think so. Whereas UK has strong interest to preserve it's military presence there, they have no reason to mess with local politics and cause problems for themselves by seeking confrontation with inhabitants. It would be wise to keep close military cooperation with the UK for long period, while developing our country both economically and culturally. Australia and Canada are formally British dependencies, but how much do Britons interfere into their politics? Only a fool would claim that Australia and Canada are not souvereign countries, and if we could develope into something similar, we should estimate us very happy. Argentina has no real interest to initiate a war for Falklands, if there is sufficient military presence. In case of necessity, we could also offer military resistence. Think of the tiny State of Israel and its enemies, and you will probably come to the conclusion that we were far less in dander on Falklands.

Now generally to the taking control of a territory. Certainly it is possible to organize a militairy occupation of some weaker country, kill or evict the inhabitants and make it our posession. The prize question is, who would wish to start a new country by such means and how this people intend to leave upon accomplishing their task. Personally, I would prefere to live under the "hethro rule" till the end of my days, instead of murdering some innocent people who happen to posess something what we would like to bring into our control. No, we must find other ways, and only fight back if we will be attacked. Therefore the suggestions to aquire lands in thinly populated areas - this would spare us much of conflicts and violence.

We can hold this for certain that,effectively,no country will ever give us any territory.We will have to take it during some interegnum,from some State which has just disintegrated and before some other group or State takes over. [..] We will always be around,whereas it is by no way certain that the currently existing States will outlive us.In the meantime,however,we cannot go beyond using territory.We would have the numbers, worldwide,to seize and hold territory during an interegnum.But we do not possess yet the political organization to do so.

We can establish facts (congregate in one particular area and acquire more and more property there), and then take our chance in an appropriate moment. It is indeed very unlikely that Mongolia friendly gifts us with half of the Goby, if I ask them politely... But it is nothing especially impossible to buy the same territory for a reasonable price, gain permissions for settling and economic activities. Once there and in legal control of territory, we could carefully negotiate for more and more competencies. Surelly, we would have to be very persuasive, but violence and "blood shed" are not the only means to exercise pressure on the contracting partner, and probably not the best.
« Last Edit: Sun, Feb 26, 2006, 16:22 by Mogul »
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Re: The Falklands
« Reply #1 on: Sat, Feb 25, 2006, 22:35 »

Dear friends,

I'm afraid of this scenario : even if the UK will ever give up claims on the Falklands,
then the fleet of Argentinia will be there within 3 days and take it. And I think Argentinia is not Great Britain, they won't care if you have 30.000 Gayhomelanders there or 3000 Britains; They'll take it and celebrate their "victory".
The Falklands are linked as well to the British and the Argentinian claims in Antartica, both countrys will not waive on the natural ressources there.
And the problem with the Falklands is the problem everywhere : No country will give you a squaremetre, I think.

We can hold this for certain that,effectively,no country will ever give us any territory.We will have to take it during some interegnum,from some State which has just disintegrated and before some other group or State takes over.Which means that we will have to remain organized,whereas
some heterosexual society sinks into disorganisation.I`d see that happening in north America rather than in Europe.Though Europe had had its past and now defunct Empires,like the Roman one.Or the Austro-Hungarian one.We will always be around,whereas it is by no way certain that the currently existing States will outlive us.In the meantime,however,we cannot go beyond using territory.We would have the numbers, worldwide,to seize and hold territory during an interegnum.But we do not possess yet the political organization to do so.

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