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Re: Developmental Communities
« Reply #3 on: Mon, May 01, 2006, 13:21 »

In our strive for political and cultural progress, the moderate integrationalists can work on behalf of our local communities, whereas the radical separatists are trying to secede a territorium for an indipendent gay state. I see no contradiction in this cooperation - it simply covers various needs within our community, while we still remain united as a people.

I am myself the product of a multicultural society,where I encounter people of more than one race,and where more than one language is spoken.
I am quite enthusiastic about that type of environment,which I find intellectually stimulating.But that enthusiasm for multiculturalism and diversity does not extend to the sphere of sexual orientation at all.



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Re: Developmental Communities
« Reply #2 on: Mon, May 01, 2006, 07:06 »

Hello Jeff!
It's good to hear from you again - thanks for posting in our forum.

Your suggestions for establishing gay-majority communities were ALWAYS a valuable part of the entire concept for the qualitatively new developement of gay/queer community. I am sorry that hot discussions about partial issues might have caused a contrary impression. Disagreeing in details, we agree about many central topics.
The gay/queer community consists of many different lifestyles and this diversity is our strength - but it also causes certain difficulties for a person intending to draw new prospectives for the community at large. My understanding is that gays and lesbians could make much more out of their life living as a people - this includes networks, living in communities, gay nuclear families, gay-lesbian patchwork families, gay clans, cross-generation dwelling projects etc. All these forms of cooperation and living/working together are valuable contributions to our new self-determination as a people, and therefore I am very supportive to them. Within our group, we also have members who see town-based communities as the way to go, therefore there is no real contradiction between your suggestions and our suggestions as a group.
Quite another thing are the personal preferences of particular forum/group member. My personal preferences are clearly located at establishing a territorial gay state - to offer refuge for the persecuted gays and lesbians, and to express our will for  self-determination. In other words, I am supportive to the "communities concept", but I am simply working on another "road works". As I am only one individual in a group, it is understood that others may well contribute their own shares to the entire work. The "Gay Homeland Foundation" was established to offer place for all facettes of gay/lesbian national movement, not to promote my personal agenda.
In our strive for political and cultural progress, the moderate integrationalists can work on behalf of our local communities, whereas the radical separatists are trying to secede a territorium for an indipendent gay state. I see no contradiction in this cooperation - it simply covers various needs within our community, while we still remain united as a people.
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!" Salvor Hardin


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Developmental Communities
« Reply #1 on: Sun, Apr 30, 2006, 23:18 »

Quote from: Mogul

"In my view, well-organized and well-networked local gay communities will not only essentially improve the cultural and political live of gays, but also will form the best preliminary structures for gay cultural and political indipendence.

And let me explain why: it's because in communities we live our social life - meet other people, make sports, work etc. In communities we experience our living together as a people, indeed, the people is the next stage in the evolution of communities! Our weakness comes from our disorganization - no hetero can be blaimed for that mishap of ours. Organized communities are the place where our people could reach many of our political and cultural goals even before the gay state is actually established."

<End of quote>

 :!!   =D>
I'm glad to finally read this argument being made in this forum. I totally agree with it. It's one of the primary themes I've written about. I would just add that, in my opinion, these communities might consist of (where space and zoning laws permit) not only housing, but employment and business opportunities, local government (to which all inhabitants regardless of their sexuality are free to vote or hold office), law enforcement (which could provide local non-military security), schools, colleges, cultural venues, public parks, etc.

But it's key that they remain not only integrated within, but integrated and interactive with surrounding communities - fostering business and cultural ties - which would diminish the chance of animosity arising. Outreach would be critical for their success. This also helps refute the old tired criticism of ‘ghettoization.' I would point out that whether at a later date a gay nation were achieved or not, these communities would remain part of their original nations, therefore their own community goal is not separatism, and separatism should not be part of their community agenda. Individual inhabitants, of course, would be free to hold any private belief or join any private organization or movement (separatist, ect.) they wanted.

I also want to point out that integration does not mean that gay people need be the demographic minority. A community with a gay majority is just as legitimately integrated as one with a straight majority. The two key elements to integration, in my view, are 1) that any law-abiding individual is welcome to live there, and 2) that all citizens be treated equally regardless of differences. There are ways that a local gay majority can be encouraged without resorting to discrimination. For example, through public and/or private sponsorship of local gay culture.

If local communities is a path this group seriously decides to pursue, I would be interested in helping out where I can to see them become a reality.

I can be contacted at

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