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Author Topic: 19 July Remembrance Day for gay and lesbian victims of the Ayatollah regime  (Read 4155 times)

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  • Viktor Zimmermann
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GHF PR EN 2006/001 (Public)
15 July 2006
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                             

Gay Homeland Foundation endorses the 19 July as Remembrance Day for gay and lesbian victims of the Ayatollah regime in Iran

Gay Homeland Foundation joins the appeal of OutRage! and the Persian Gay and Lesbian Organisation to commemorate gays and lesbians murdered by the Islamic fundamentalist regime in Iran, and calls for worldwide vigils for the victims.
The 19 July is the anniversary of the execution in the year 2005 of two homosexual teenagers, Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni, who were believed to be lovers and were denounced to the police by a family member. The authorities later distributed official information suggesting that the two teenagers were executed because of a child rape - a common tactic applied against homosexuals, since the regular proof by four witnesses (as prescribed by Sharia) can not be realistically supplied.

The two executed teenagers shall remind us of the fate of many of our brothers and sisters in Iran who were tortured and murdered by the Ayatollah regime and its death squads. In Iran of our days, gays and lesbians are suffering worst oppression and must fear of their life when found out. The Islamic regime has declared a downright war against homosexuals, like ethnic cleansing in its perfidy: specially trained agents are entrapping gay men in internet forums. In this constant atmosphere of fear, many commit suicide or undergo unnecessary sex exchange operations.

We shall remind ourselves that in the age of gay prides and pool parties a large part of our people is trembling in fear of death, deprived of any human dignity, and entirely delivered to the enemy. On this 19 July, each of us shall ask himself whether we as community are doing enough to protect our brethren from their hangmen.

The Gay Homeland Foundation appeals to all progressive nations to hold deportations of gay and lesbian asylum seekers to Iran and other persecuting countries like Nigeria and Afghanistan.  The Gay Homeland Foundation also reaffirms the urgent necessity of establishing a self-administered territory for the gay people, especially considering the uncertainties of internal politics of yet-asylum granting nations. The time has come for the gay community to take over responsibility for its refugees.

For further materials, please see:
For further information, please contact Ronald Bila on

"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!" Salvor Hardin
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