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Author Topic: Small countries problems: learn from others  (Read 6015 times)

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  • Viktor Zimmermann
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Re: Small countries problems: learn from others
« Reply #6 on: Fri, Oct 22, 2010, 00:06 »



Peru gives landlocked Bolivia a piece of Pacific coast to call its own
Peruvian leader, Alan García, signs deal with President Evo Morales allowing Bolivia to build port on small stretch of sand

It might be a strip of sand without even a jetty but a small stretch of the Pacific coast now harbours Bolivia's dream of regaining a coast and becoming a maritime nation.

The landlocked Andean country has won access to a desolate patch of Peru's shoreline, fuelling hopes that Bolivia will once again have a sea to call its own.

President Evo Morales signed a deal yesterday with his Peruvian counterpart, Alan García, allowing Bolivia to build and operate a small port about 10 miles from Peru's southern port of Ilo.

The accord, sealed with declarations of South American brotherhood, was a diplomatic poke at Chile, the neighbour that seized Bolivia's coast and a swath of Peruvian territory in the 1879-84 war of the Pacific.

"It is unjust that Bolivia has no sovereign outlet to the ocean," said García, flanked by Morales in front of lapping waves at Ilo. "This is also a Bolivian sea."

Bolivia's leader said if he ever got married he would spend his honeymoon at the port and holiday resort to be built on the 1.4 square mile patch of sand that La Paz will lease from Lima for 99 years.

"This opens the door for Bolivians to have an international port, to the use of the ocean for global trade and for Bolivian products to have better access to global markets," said Morales. "Bolivia, sooner or later, will return to the sea."

The agreement, a modest step towards Bolivia's maritime dream, marked a reconciliation between Peru's conservative, pro-business leader and Bolivia's outspoken socialist. Morales once called García "fat and not very anti-imperialist".

The deal allows Bolivia to build a dock, moor naval vessels and operate a free trade zone, in theory giving it an alternative to shipping exports such as zinc, tin and silver via Chile.

Some doubt, however, whether Bolivia will follow through with the necessary investment. A similar, albeit more limited, accord in 1992 was trumpeted by Bolivia's then president, Jaime Paz Zamora, but the promised infrastructure never materialised, leaving the sands outside Ilo untouched.

This time may be different. Bolivia's economy is thriving and Morales, an Aymara Indian and the country's first indigenous leader, has promised to restore national pride.

Maritime yearning is expressed by a sign at a Lake Titicaca base where Boliva's tiny, idiosyncratic navy putters in tranquil waters 3,800 metres above sea level. "The sea belongs to us by right, to take it back is our duty."

From his presidential palace at La Paz, Morales, like his predecessors, speaks in front of an antique map showing Bolivia with its pre-1879 coast. White-uniformed sailors serve as his guards of honour.

Chile's seizure of territory still rankles Bolivians and Peruvians, who say there is nothing more dangerous than a Chilean with a map and a pen. Chilean refusals to return some of the territory, as well as jokes about inviting Bolivians to the beach, have not helped salve the wounds.

The presence of a Bolivian among the 33 miners saved in Chile prompted some detente. Chile's president, Sebastián Piñera, speaking from London during a European tour, welcomed "dialogue" with his neighbours but made no mention of concessions. "The past divides us, the future unites us."

"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!" Salvor Hardin


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Re: Small countries problems: learn from others
« Reply #5 on: Sat, Sep 24, 2005, 07:28 »

Well Feral.....

Some beasts are not as extinct, as I for one, would wish!  There have been just a few stirrings of the old kingdom.
The dirt on the grave mound moves every now and then, and I give it a good WHACK! with a spade.
But Halloween is just around the corner!
The noose remains tight and we advise all the newcomers that the GLK of the Coral Sea has succumbed after a long and disfiguring illness :+  =D>



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Re: Small countries problems: learn from others
« Reply #4 on: Tue, Sep 13, 2005, 12:10 »

I cannot agree more. The two situations are remarkably similar.

There is one flaw in Herzl's reasoning. He sincerely believed that the creation of the Jewish state would eliminate ant-semitism. It has not. It would be an error to presume that hatred of any kind proceeds from a foundation of reason. Hatred is a passion, and while passions frequently twist reason to their cause, there is nothing rational about them. This is especially true of homophobia.

I should point out that others have "borrowed" from Herzl as well. Like so many extinct creatures on the internet, its ghost can be read here.

Used as a draft, heavy reliance on Herzl might cause some confusion as to who we are quoting. The ideas, however, are still sound.

« Last Edit: Tue, Jan 17, 2006, 03:30 by Feral »
Stonewall was a riot.


  • Viktor Zimmermann
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Re: Small countries problems: learn from others
« Reply #3 on: Tue, Sep 13, 2005, 04:43 »

"Der Judenstaat" ("The Jewish State") by Theodor Herzl: (in English); (auf Deutsch).

A very interesting lecture. Replace "Jewish" by "Gay" and we would have a perfect draft for our Manifesto!
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!" Salvor Hardin


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Re: Small countries problems: learn from others
« Reply #2 on: Thu, Jul 14, 2005, 17:10 »

In this article at the tiwanese site "" the former president Lee Teng-Hui explains Taiwan's difficulties to create a true national identity and the need for pragmatic policy.
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!" Salvor Hardin


  • Viktor Zimmermann
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Small countries problems: learn from others
« Reply #1 on: Thu, Jul 14, 2005, 17:01 »

As there is no need to develope the wheel twice, I think it would be interestingly to look to other small and rather new nations/countries to learn something about the typical problems of creation national identity, installing functioning democracy and maintaining the countries souvereignity.

What do the leaders and citizens of Israel, Taiwan, East-Timor and others think about basic national issues? What can we learn from their experiences, their successes and their failures? Can we learn from the Tibet government in exile, which has a people to rule but no territory now?

Just to enrich our pool of knowledge and ideas, please gather interesting links and articles in this thread. A reader with sufficient time and patiency will learn a lot.
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!" Salvor Hardin
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