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Author Topic: The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands  (Read 19360 times)

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Re: The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
« Reply #24 on: Thu, Sep 07, 2006, 21:46 »

It is good to see the Gay Kingdom getting some positive press.

There is one aspect to the article that deserves clarification.

Then in 2005, internal disputes rocked the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom, mostly fueled by the internet sites and message boards that the group had been using to communicate with its would-be citizens all over the world.  Reports of information being falsified leaked, in particular complaints arose that pictures that had been said to have come from the The Coral Sea Islands were in fact from another area all together.   Parties began to doubt the validity of the claims of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom.

The gay kingdom's current web site contains a great many genuine pictures of Cato Island. The photographs released by the kingdom over the last year have all clearly been of Cato and are consistent with the kingdom's claims, both past and present. There is now no credible reason to doubt the validity of the claims of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom. The suspicions of the past should be set aside and the steadfastness and consistency of the Kingdom and its emperor should be commended.

At this point in history, the idea of gay nationalism is more important than the various attempts to make it a reality.

As a point of fact, Wikipedia describes Cato Island as 650 by 300 meters, with an area of 1.5 km2. This stated size is consistent with navigational charts and with aerial photgraphs of the island. Assuming the figures are correct (and, of course they may not be), Cato is possessed of 370 acres (150 hectares), not 50 (20 ha).
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Re: The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
« Reply #23 on: Wed, Sep 06, 2006, 01:24 »

The magazine "Envy man" has published an article about the GLK, excerpts may be read here.
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Re: The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
« Reply #22 on: Wed, Feb 01, 2006, 11:01 »

Award winning film maker Paul Peot [sic.] a filmmaker from Vienna, Austria, mostly known for sociopolitical feature documentaries has just started a feature doc intended for worldwide arthouse cinemas about the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea, the film will be titled

Feature Film Documentary by Award Winning Filmmaker Paul Poet, produced by Navigator Film in Coop with Germany and the EU Austria/Germany, HDTV, ca. 90 - 120 Min, planned filming 06/07, Release:07


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Re: The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
« Reply #21 on: Wed, Feb 01, 2006, 01:53 »

Dear Piper,

The article was not in the press but in a movie/art magazine and an interview was done with the Lesbian administrator about the film. I will see if I can get a copy and scan it to you from memory it was a film by Paul Poet and was financed by navigator films and that an interview and filming with HIM Dale would take place in Brisbane Australia on the 6th & 7th of Feb 06 when the producer and director arrived from Vienna and that further filming would take place at the end of the year out at the Kingdom. It will be interesting to see if the Sovereign mentions in his interview any single minded individuals like Mr Zimmerman who go out of there way to continue to create mischief and attempt to allways try and destroy or at least destabilise the Kingdom. I for one hope HIM Dale does and he sinks the Boot into him. If I can get a back issue of the article I will send it to your e-mail or you could also try to contact Navigator films I guess they would know more about it than me.


Thanks Sally for your quick reply. I guess I'll wait for you to have a chance to scan the article. I researched Paul Poet and as he is from Vienna I searched Navigator Film's website (the Austrian one - there is also a Canadian one) and did not see anything about Paul or the Kingdom in the "works in progress" section.  ???
I look forward to reading the article. Thanks for your efforts.

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Re: The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
« Reply #20 on: Wed, Feb 01, 2006, 01:26 »

Dear Piper,

The article was not in the press but in a movie/art magazine and an interview was done with the Lesbian administrator about the film. I will see if I can get a copy and scan it to you from memory it was a film by Paul Poet and was financed by navigator films and that an interview and filming with HIM Dale would take place in Brisbane Australia on the 6th & 7th of Feb 06 when the producer and director arrived from Vienna and that further filming would take place at the end of the year out at the Kingdom. It will be interesting to see if the Sovereign mentions in his interview any single minded individuals like Mr Zimmerman who go out of there way to continue to create mischief and attempt to allways try and destroy or at least destabilise the Kingdom. I for one hope HIM Dale does and he sinks the Boot into him. If I can get a back issue of the article I will send it to your e-mail or you could also try to contact Navigator films I guess they would know more about it than me.



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Re: Film being made of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom
« Reply #19 on: Tue, Jan 31, 2006, 00:37 »

It wont be a freakish also ran as reports in the press in Australia confirm that filming an interviewing with HIM Dale is to take place from Feb 07, 2006, both in Brisnane, Australia and out at the Kingdom. I would hardly think the Administrators of the Kingdom would allow or agree to have the Kingdom or its Sovereign to be filmed as a "freakish also ran" Good on them I say, at least someone is doing something rather than sitting in
chat groups moaning.

Sally, as I can find no recent reference to HIM Dale in any Australian press report I'd appreciate it if you would be kind enough to inform us which media reported these things and the date of said reports. Curious minds would like to read it for themselves. Thanks ever so much.
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Re: The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
« Reply #18 on: Sun, Jan 29, 2006, 23:12 »

Any spam using false identities and e-mail adresses from other people will be deleted and the IP blocked for 365 days. If you desire to post here a counter-statement, youse your own name and your own e-mail adress.
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Re: The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
« Reply #17 on: Sat, Jan 21, 2006, 10:40 »

Why then did a message keep coming up saying "You have been blocked from commenting on this subject" and I have only been allowed just now to post comments?

No idea, probably you were posting from a blocked IP which was used for posting spam before?
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Re: The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
« Reply #16 on: Fri, Jan 20, 2006, 22:47 »

Why then did a message keep coming up saying "You have been blocked from commenting on this subject" and I have only been allowed just now to post comments?


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Re: The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
« Reply #15 on: Fri, Jan 20, 2006, 00:48 »

I have merged all 3 threads about the new "Gay & Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea" initiated by Sally & Co. into one thread. I hope this goes OK with everybody now.

@ "Sally": Say what you want to say - there is no political censoreship here, but I remind you of some simple rules:

  • No use of abusive language towards any memer of this forum,
  • No posts usung other people's names in malitious intentions,
  • No spam (= permanently posting the same or senseless material in order to overflow the board),
  • No instigation to criminal activities or approval of such activities.

All contributions meeting these criterions are being deleted and the IP's blocked. If you have some interest to further post in this forum, you must follow the above simple rules, as any other user too.
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Re: Film being made of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom
« Reply #14 on: Fri, Jan 20, 2006, 00:27 »

It wont be a freakish also ran as reports in the press in Australia confirm that filming an interviewing with HIM Dale is to take place from Feb 07, 2006, both in Brisnane, Australia and out at the Kingdom. I would hardly think the Administrators of the Kingdom would allow or agree to have the Kingdom or its Sovereign to be filmed as a "freakish also ran" Good on them I say, at least someone is doing something rather than sitting in
chat groups moaning.


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« Reply #13 on: Thu, Jan 19, 2006, 22:35 »

Just a quick note Victor, I hope you dont mind but I have just forwarded your web site details  onto the government of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom at, no doubt they will be looking in to it, so I hope you are able to back up your claims with documented proof that will stand up in a court of law.


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« Reply #12 on: Thu, Jan 19, 2006, 21:53 »

Victor, why have you blocked me from answering your previous comments, what are you trying to hide, I have checked out your site and surprise surprise you are behind it, Why do you put so much time and energy into trying to destroy the Gay Kingdom? Why not put all that negative energy into something positive. The Gay Kingdom is to date the only gay and lesbian group that is going places, they have a Government, a Territory, a Sovereign and from press reports in Australia the Administrators are to establish a Gay and Lesbian Postal Service that will be up and running by August, this charter float plane postal service will enable gay and lesbian visitors to visit and camp in the Kingdom and to stay out there. There is also a movie to be made and filming is to start in Australia on Feb the 7th this year. So Victor Darling as you so nicely put it on the Gay kingdom Forum why dont you "Come out of your corner and stop sulking" and join the group that is really going places.


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Re: The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
« Reply #11 on: Thu, Jan 19, 2006, 17:49 »

I also disagree Victor with these comments of yours that you posted on the Gay Kingdom chat site that I have posted bellow, your quote that blood does have to be shed is wrong, why do you think the Australian gay activist and there leader HIM Dale chose the Coral Sea Island Territory? they chose it because it is an UNINHABITED external territory/colony of Australia and under Australian and international law it has the same legal status as say Gibralta does to England or Tahati does to France and hence under international law and the Untided Nations Charter all Colonies/Territories must have the right to self dertimantion and self government and independance if they choose, so how could blood be shed in the Coral Sea Islands? the legal frame work is allready there, International law is there and clearly applies to the Coral Sea Islands, the Territory has its own United Nations country code of CR and as soon as people move there and live it is intitled to its own High level Domain Country Code

Dear "Sally", "Jason", "Dale",  or whatever your name is just in this minute:

the "blood-shed" contribution you have copy-pasted here from the Gay Kingdom Yahoo group (and have falsely signed by my name),  origines from a person known as Donald Kirby and has nothing to do with me, as any person with intellectual skills above a 5-years old can clearly recognize. This post was therefore rightfully deleted by one of the administrators. You might look at the message of Mr. Kirby more closely at the Yahoo group again:

To answer your question about the Gay Republic website: the website was re-worked 2 monthes aftter Dale's legal threats and was in no way related to these threats. Instead, the changes in the staff (Gunnar left us) and strong wishes of other members not to be related to the GLK induced the re-work. Gunnar's diffuse "legal threats" are to be attributed rather to his hot temperament than to any wrongdoing from my side (neither German nor any other legislation does know a criminal offense of not deleting a nickname from a webforum within 24 h). I hope this helps.

In case you wish to find supporting informations about HIM Dale I. and his kingdom, you might find it usefull to consult the website which will be soon updated to cover recent developements.
« Last Edit: Thu, Jan 19, 2006, 18:17 by Mogul »
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Re: The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
« Reply #10 on: Thu, Jan 19, 2006, 17:29 »

Persons wishing to reply to posts made in the Yahoo group GayKingdom should do so in that group.

You also should not insult either Mr. Kirby or Mr. Zimmermann by confusing who posted what.
« Last Edit: Thu, Jan 19, 2006, 17:30 by Feral »
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